Erick Almandinger

Erick Almandinger Teen Killer Sets Up Friends Murder

Erick Almandinger is a convicted teen killer from Alaska who was found guilty of the murder of his friend. According to court documents Erick Almandinger would recruit three others to rob, beat and ultimately kill sixteen year old David Grunwald. Erick Almandinger would supply the murder weapon to Dominic Johnson, now 22, Austin Barrett, now 25,…

steven downs

Steven Downs Guilty In 29 Year Old Murder

Steven Downs was convicted of a murder that took place 29 years ago. According to court documents while Steven Downs was a college student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 1993 he would sexually assault and murder a young woman, Sophie Sergie. Sophie Sergie who was visiting a friend would be found by janitors…

Evan Ramsey Teen Killer

Evan Ramsey Teen Killer School Shooter

Evan Ramsey was sixteen years old when he murdered two people in a school shooting in Alaska. According to court documents Evan Ramsey walked into Bethel Regional High School and opened fire killing one student, he would then fire and injure a fellow student and teacher before murdering the principal. This teen killer would be sentenced to…