Luis Pulido-Esparza

Luis Pulido-Esparza Charged In Girlfriends Murder

Luis Pulido-Esparza is a man from California who works at the Corcoran State Prison as a guard and has just been charged with the murder of his girlfriend Marilu Ramirez Olmedo. According to police reports 911 received a phone call saying that a woman at the residence had just committed suicide by shooting herself in…

Roberto Silva Jr

Roberto Silva Jr Pleads Guilty In Sonic Murders

Roberto Silva Jr has plead guilty to charges relating to a shooting at a Sonic Restaurant that left two people dead and two others injured. According to court documents Roberto Silva Jr arrived at the Sonic Restaurant in Nebraska driving a U-Haul. Once in the parking lot Roberto Silva Jr would set the moving van…

Brian Owsinski

Brian Owsinski Charged In 2 Year Old’s Murder

Brian Owsinski is a man from New York State that has just been indicted on the murder of his girlfriend’s two year old daughter. According to police reports 911 received a call regarding an unresponsive two year old girl. When ambulance attendants arrived they would find the little girl in dire shape and she was rushed…

Hengian Ni

Hengian Ni Charged In Philadelphia Triple Stabbing

Hengian Ni has been charged in a brutal Philadelphia stabbing that left a mother and her two children in the hospital. According to police reports Hengian Ni forced his way into the victim’s home and proceeded to stab her and her two children. Hengian Ni who is a coworker of the victim would turn himself…

kassandra kitchens

Kassandra Kitchens Arrested In Oregon Murder

Kassandra Kitchens was arrested for a murder committed in Oregon which investigators are calling an execution. According to police reports Kassandra Kitchens allegedly lured the victim,  Andrew Sherrell, to a location where he would be brutally murdered.  Kassandra Kitchens was the last person to be arrested for the Andrew Sherrell murder as police in Oregon…

hunter tatum

Hunter Tatum Faces Death Penalty In Pregnant Wife’s Murder

Hunter Tatum who was facing murder charges for the death’s of his wife and unborn child will now face capital murder charges as the prosecutors are planning to seek the death penalty for the double murder in Alabama. According to police reports Hunter Tatum would shoot and kill his wife Summer Tatum who was six…