Mark Wilson Sentenced To Death By Florida Jury

mark wilson florida death row

A Florida jury has recommended that Mark Wilson be sentenced to death for the murders of two young boys. According to court documents Mark Wilson would beat the two boys, Robert Baker, 12, and Tayten Baker, 14, with a hammer before slitting their throats. When asked why he killed the two young boys Mark Wilson attempted to blame it on being high on meth for three days before the murders. Mark Wilson will attend a special hearing in December 2022 where the judge can either go along with the death recommendation or sentence him to life in prison without parole

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 A jury decided Mark Wilson will receive the death penalty for the murder of two Putnam County boys on Friday. The decision came after a five day long sentencing trial. 

Wilson was found guilty of first-degree murder earlier this month. According to Florida law, Wilson can only be sentenced to death if the jury chooses it unanimously, which they did. 

Wilson was living with the aunt of 14-year-old Tatyen and 12-year-old Robert Baker on the family’s property with his own daughter when he murdered the boys in August 2020. 

The Putnam County Sheriff said the crime scene inside the Bakers’ home was one of the worst he’d ever seen. Wilson was convicted of beating Tatyen and Robert in the head with a hammer then slitting their throats. 

The boys’ mother, Sarah Baker, testified that the night before the boys were killed, she saw Wilson outside sharpening a knife; that knife would later be matched to the murder weapon.

Wilson’s mother also testified in the trial. In a recorded conversation played in the courtroom, Wilson’s mother begged her son to answer why he killed the boys. In the recorded confession, Wilson tells her he killed them because he felt their family was going to report him and his girlfriend to the Department of Children and Families. 

Family described being in the courtroom, just feet away from Wilson, as “unbearable” at times. They wanted the death penalty.

Noah Sharp Teen Killer Murders Madison Sparrow

noah sharp

Noah Sharp was a nineteen year old teen killer from Delaware who would lure his ex girlfriend, Madison Sparrow, to the woods and beat her to death with a baseball bat. According to court documents Noah Sharp and his current girlfriend Annika Stalczynski, who was seventeen at the time of the murder, would convince Madison Sparrow to go out to the woods where she was brutally attacked and murdered. Annika Stalczynski would take a plea deal in exchange of getting out of a life sentence, however she has yet to be sentenced. Noah Sharp decided to try his luck at trial and the jury quickly found him guilty of the murder and other charges and he is expected to receive a life sentence.

Noah Sharp More News

A Delaware man who lured his ex-girlfriend to a wooded area and beat her to death with a baseball bat has been convicted of first-degree murder and other crimes. 

A jury deliberated for less than three hours Thursday before finding 21-year-old Noah Sharp guilty of murder, conspiracy and possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony.

Sharp faces a mandatory life sentence. Prosecutors are also recommending a life sentence for Sharp’s accomplice, 19-year-old Annika Stalczynski. 

She pleaded guilty in May to murder and conspiracy in the killing of 17-year-old Madison Sparrow

Sparrow was a junior at Newark Charter School. She was reported missing on Oct. 2, 2020 after she didn’t return home from a trip with Stalczynski to get ice cream.

A jury deliberated for less than three hours Thursday before finding 21-year-old Noah Sharp guilty of murder, conspiracy and possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony.

Sharp faces a mandatory life sentence. Prosecutors are also recommending a life sentence for Sharp’s accomplice, 19-year-old Annika Stalczynski. 

She pleaded guilty in May to murder and conspiracy in the killing of 17-year-old Madison Sparrow. Sparrow was a junior at Newark Charter School. 

She was reported missing on Oct. 2, 2020 after she didn’t return home from a trip with Stalczynski to get ice cream

Noah Sharp Other News

The day Madison Sparrow left home for the final time, she donned a pair of ghost earrings.

She didn’t wear jewelry often, but earrings were even rarer, her mother said. It was less than a month before Halloween, though, and Sparrow wanted to be festive to get ice cream with a friend she hadn’t seen in several months.

What happened after 17-year-old Sparrow walked out her front door on the afternoon of Oct. 2, 2020, however, would be no ghost story. Instead, the hours, days, weeks and two years that followed became a real-life nightmare for Sparrow’s family, friends and the Newark community.

On Thursday, some of that nightmare came to an end. After less than three hours of deliberation, a New Castle County jury found Noah Sharp, Sparrow’s ex-boyfriend, guilty of murdering Sparrow. 

The jury also found Noah Sharp guilty of conspiring with Annika Stalczynski – the friend Sparrow was supposed to get ice cream with the day of her death – to commit the crime.

The verdict, which prompted almost no visible reaction from Noah Sharp or his mother, yet left Sparrow’s family and friends in relieved tears, came after eight days of evidence and more than 250 exhibits presented by prosecutors. 

The defense’s case, which Sharp’s attorneys made in less than three hours Wednesday morning, consisted largely of the statements of just three witnesses: Sharp’s mother, brother and grandmother.

Attorney General Kathy Jennings said Thursday afternoon she was “grateful to the jury for doing the right thing.” She added that for Sparrow’s family and friends, however, “closure is much more elusive than justice.”

“Madison was a daughter, a friend and a wonderful person,” Jennings said. “Her loss is too great to measure and everyone who knew and loved her is in our hearts today.

Sparrow’s mother, Heather Sparrow Murphy, who sat through every day of the trial, said she had “no words” following the verdict.

Instead, she gave a phrase her daughter used to use:

“Embrace the light, not the dark,” Murphy said, quoting Sparrow. “Love wins.

Sparrow’s mother, Heather Sparrow Murphy, who sat through every day of the trial, said she had “no words” following the verdict.

Instead, she gave a phrase her daughter used to use:

“Embrace the light, not the dark,” Murphy said, quoting Sparrow. “Love wins.

At several points during the trial, Sharp’s defense team attempted to argue that someone else could have had control of Sharp’s devices and that it wasn’t him texting Stalczynski. Given their verdict, it appears the jury rejected this argument.

In court proceedings, the jury watched hours’ worth of video of Sharp’s interviews with police at Delaware State Police Troop 2 in Glasgow. Over the course of several days, they heard how Sharp’s ever-changing stories ultimately crumbled, culminating in a confession.

They also saw, through police video, how Noah Sharp led detectives to where he and Stalczynski buried Sparrow in a 2- or 3-foot grave – a decision the teens made after unsuccessfully drowning Sparrow’s body in the Christina River under I-95 several dozen yards away.

And the jury listened as several detectives testified that they found a bare footprint in the mud next to the river – where paving blocks from Stalczynski’s home and Sparrow’s burned clothing were found – of which they created a cast.

A Delaware State Police fingerprint analyst then testified that from the cast, she was able to obtain enough detail of the print of the big toe to compare it to an inking of Sharp’s big toe. The two matched, she said.

During his various interviews with police, Noah Sharp said he often walked barefoot. An employee of Sobieski Inc., the heating and cooling company that has a warehouse close to where Sharp and Stalczynski disposed of Sparrow’s body, also testified that he saw Sharp not wearing shoes.

Perhaps most anticipated in the trial, though, was Stalczynski’s Monday morning testimony. She pleaded guilty in May to murder and conspiracy in exchange for an agreement that prosecutors will ask for 30 years in prison.

The plea documents required her to testify.

Over a period of about three hours, she quietly confirmed what prosecutors had already presented to the jury the week prior, testifying that her role in the plot was borne out of Sharp’s claims to her that Sparrow was “spreading (her) business.”

Sparrow’s family and friends have repeatedly said the girl wasn’t the type to talk badly about her friends. Stalczynski hinted on Monday that she now realizes Sharp may have not been truthful with her.

“We was all friends … and he was messing with both of us,” Stalczynski said. 

Sharp’s defense team made much of the now-19-year-old’s plea agreement and testimony, suggesting during closing arguments on Wednesday afternoon that Stalczynski was not to be believed.

Monika Germono, one of Sharp’s three defense attorneys, told the jury not to be “fooled” by Stalczynski’s “small build or quiet voice.”

“She’s the one who received a plea to 30 years,” Germono said.

It remains unclear how much weight the jury ultimately gave her testimony

During their back-to-back testimony, Sharp’s mother and brother contradicted each other several times. At least once, Sharp’s mom also contradicted herself.

Nikia Sharp testified Wednesday that her son wasn’t particularly wet when he arrived home on the evening of Oct. 2, while David Sharp said his brother was very wet.

“I don’t know if he’d been crawling through mud or water or what,” David Sharp testified.

Nikia Sharp also said that soon after her son got home, Stalczynski came into the house and was “calm.”

But David Sharp said the teen “stormed in” and slammed the door twice. When questioned by prosecutor John Downs about Stalczynski’s demeanor, David Sharp said: “When you slam a door, I don’t think you’d describe it as calm.”

In closing arguments, neither Sharp’s defense team nor the prosecutors noted these inconsistencies. 

Instead, the defense argued that police “molded” Sharp’s confession while prosecutors urged the jury not to overthink what they had heard over a period of eight days.

“Don’t outsmart your common sense,” said Deputy Attorney General Matt Frawley. “You know when something doesn’t make sense, you know when something doesn’t add up.”

When the verdict was returned to Judge Ferris Wharton just after 1 p.m. Thursday, he reminded courtroom spectators to remain composed, something he had said Wednesday afternoon after Sharp’s family began audibly reacting from the spectator section of the courtroom.

Heeding this, the courtroom was silent as the jury entered, with spectators sitting up a little straighter in their seats. When the foreperson announced guilty on all three charges, several of Sparrow’s family members and close friends began crying silently. Others put their hands on each other’s backs.

David DePape Attacks Paul Pelosi With A Hammer

David DePape

David DePape is under arrest after he allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer in San Francisco. According to police reports David DePape entered the Pelosi home and attacked Paul with a hammer leaving him with a fractured skull. Apparently Paul Pelosi was able to call 911 telling the operator that his attacker was in the home and was searching for his wife Nancy Pelosi. David DePape who was born in Canada however has been living in the USA for the last two decades is to be charged with attempted homicide for the brutal attack.

David DePape More News

The man accused of breaking into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s California home and severely beating her husband with a hammer appears to have made racist and often rambling posts online, including some that questioned the results of the 2020 election, defended former President Donald Trump and echoed QAnon conspiracy theories.

David DePape, 42, grew up in Powell River, British Columbia, before leaving about 20 years ago to follow an older girlfriend to San Francisco. A street address listed for DePape in the Bay Area college town of Berkeley led to a post office box at a UPS Store.

DePape was arrested at the Pelosi home early Friday. San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said she expected to file multiple felony charges, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and elder abuse.

Stepfather Gene DePape said the suspect had lived with him in Canada until he was 14 and had been a quiet boy

“David was never violent that I seen and was never in any trouble although he was very reclusive and played too much video games,” Gene DePape said.

He said he hasn’t seen his stepson since 2003 and tried to get in touch with him several times over the years without success.

“In 2007, I tried to get in touch but his girlfriend hung up on me when I asked to talk to him,“ Gene DePape said.

David DePape was known in Berkeley as a pro-nudity activist who had picketed naked at protests against local ordinances requiring people to be clothed in public.

Gene DePape said the girlfriend whom his son followed to California was named Gypsy and they had two children together. DePape also has a child with a different woman, his stepfather said.

Photographs published by The San Francisco Chronicle on Friday identified DePape frolicking nude outside city hall with dozens of others at the 2013 wedding of pro-nudity activist Gypsy Taub, who was marrying another man. Taub did not respond Friday to calls or emails.

A 2013 article in The Chronicle described David DePape as a “hemp jewelry maker” who lived in a Victorian flat in Berkeley with Taub, who hosted a talk show on local public-access TV called “Uncensored 9/11,” in which she appeared naked and pushed conspiracy theories that the 2001 terrorist attacks were “an inside job.”

A pair of web blogs posted in recent months online under the name David DePape contained rants about technology, aliens, communists, religious minorities, transexuals and global elites.

An Aug. 24 entry titled “Q,” displayed a scatological collection of memes that included photos of the deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and made reference to QAnon, the baseless pro-Trump conspiracy theory that espouses the belief that the country is run by a deep state cabal of child sex traffickers, satanic pedophiles and baby-eating cannibals.

“Big Brother has deemed doing your own research as a thought crime,” read a post that appeared to blend references to QAnon with George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.”

In an Aug. 25 entry titled “Gun Rights,” the poster wrote: “You no longer have rights. Your basic human rights hinder Big Brothers ability to enslave and control you in a complete and totalizing way.”

The web hosting service WordPress removed one of the sites Friday afternoon for violating its terms of service.

On a different site, someone posting under DePape’s name repeated false claims about COVID vaccines and wearing masks, questioned whether climate change is real and displayed an illustration of a zombified Hillary Clinton dining on human flesh.

There appeared to be no direct posts about Pelosi, but there were entries defending former President Donald Trump and Ye, the rapper formally known as Kayne West who recently made antisemitic comments.

In other posts, the writer said Jews helped finance Hitler’s political rise in Germany and suggested an antisemitic plot was involved in Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine.

“The more Ukrainians die NEEDLESSLY the cheaper the land will be for Jews to buy up,” the post said.

In a Sept. 27 post, the writer said any journalists who denied Trump’s false claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election “should be dragged straight out into the street and shot.”

Richard Allen Arrested For Delphi Indiana Murders

richard allen delphi indiana

Richard Allen has been arrested in the Delphi Indiana murders that took place in 2017. According to police reports Libby German and Abigail Williams, both 14 years old, were found murdered after they left their homes to meet a man at an abandoned train tracks. The Delphi Indiana case has seen suspects announced over the last five years however this is the first time Richard Allen name has been mentioned and has been arrested in the case.

Police have not released any information regarding Richard Allen’s arrest however there is a press conference scheduled for Monday. Richard Allen has been transferred to a State facility as there are fears for his safety at the local jail.

Richard Allen Mugshot

richard allen mugshot

Richard Allen More News

A man is under arrest in connection with the murder of two Indiana girls in their early teens, according to several local news reports.

Citing “[m]ultiple sources,” Indianapolis FOX affiliate WXIN-TV reported that Richard Allen was booked “around noon Friday in connection with the Delphi murder investigation.”

Liberty “Libby” German, 14, and her best friend Abigail “Abby” Williams, 13, vanished while walking the Monon High Bridge trail near Delphi, Indiana, on Feb. 13, 2017.

Citing the state police as its source, NBC affiliate WTHR also said Allen was connected to the Delphi double murders and that the victims’ relatives had been notified accordingly.

Indianapolis ABC affiliate WRTV and local CW affiliate WISH said only that a suspect who neither station chose to name had been arrested and had appeared in court on Friday.

Jail data reviewed by Law&Crime indicates that a Richard Matthew Allen, 50, was listed as “in custody” at the Carroll County Jail in Delphi, Indiana, as of early Friday afternoon.

No information was listed as to the charges upon which Richard Allen was booked, and neither the Carroll County Jail nor the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office administration telephone lines were answered when Law&Crime called on Friday for information. Messages left at those numbers were not returned.

Later on Friday afternoon, other jail records suggested that Richard Allen may have been transported to the custody of the White County Sheriff’s Department in Monticello, Indiana. A person who answered the phone there confirmed that Allen was, indeed, booked at that facility; however, all other questions concerning the case were referred to the sheriff. The sheriff did not respond a message left via voicemail.

The sister of one of the victims, Kelsi German, tweeted that “[t]oday is the day” on Friday but added that “[n]othing is confirmed at this time.”

It was Kelsi German who dropped the two victims off to go hiking on a trip from which they never returned alive.

Earlier on Friday, WXIN reported that law enforcement officials had planned a press conference on Monday to discuss “a major development” that was “in the works” in connection with the case. That was before the television station named Allen.

Police believe Libby German, who was said by her grandmother to have enjoyed watching crime shows on television, recorded video and a brief few words from her suspected killer.

“Guys . . . down the hill,” said a man captured in a clip that the authorities say was recorded by the now-dead teen.  The full recording is reportedly 43 seconds long, but only a small portion has been made public, according to earlier reports from WXIN.

The tiny sliver of that video was released by the FBI and is embedded here:

Recently, Indiana state troopers searched the Wabash River in Peru, Indiana, about 40 minutes east-northeast of Delphi, in connection with the case, according to WIXN’s report on Friday.

The murders of German and Williams have resulted in multiple police sketches and thousands of tips about what might have occurred.

The authorities previously focused at least some attention on Ron Logan, who owned the property where the girls’ bodies were found and whose house was nearby, and on Keegan Anthony Kline, 27, of Peru, Indiana. Kline is charged separately with several child pornography offenses and admitted to controlling a fake online profile he used to communicate with Libby German.  However, Kline reportedly denied having any knowledge of German’s death.

Becky Patty, German’s grandmother, told FOX News in May that she believed Kline knew more than he was willing to vouchsafe to the authorities. Patty also said the police told her “there was DNA” evidence in the case but did not know — or did not reveal — the full extent of that evidence.

The reported connection of Allen to the mysterious case adds a new wrinkle that has yet to be fully explained by the local constabulary. The state police will be involved with Monday’s press conference at 10 a.m. in Delphi, WRTV and WISH reported.

Sierra Halseth Teen Killer Murders Father

sierra halseth photos

Sierra Halseth is a teen killer from Nevada who had a typical teen problem which was her father did not like her boyfriend Aaron Guerrero however instead of ending the relationship the two teen lovebirds would murder her father. According to court documents Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero would stab Daniel Halseth over seventy times before attempting to set the house on fire. The two would then steal Daniel’s vehicle and debit card before fleeing. Sierra Halseth would be convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Aaron Guerrero who was eighteen years old at the time of the murder would receive the same sentence. The two are eligible for parole after serving 25 years

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A teenage girl and her boyfriend were sentenced Thursday to life in prison with the possibility of parole for fatally stabbing the girl’s father.

In May, Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero admitted to killing 45-year-old Daniel Halseth, attempting to set his house on fire, and taking his car and debit card to flee to Salt Lake City.

Halseth’s burnt body, stabbed and cut 70 times, was found in the garage of his northwest Las Vegas home on April 9, 2021, and the teenagers were detained in Salt Lake City four days later.

District Judge Tierra Jones sentenced Sierra and Guerrero to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 22 years. The defendants also were ordered to pay $5,000 in restitution.

“This is a very, very tragic situation,” Jones said. “I wish that there was something that I was going to say or something that I could do that would stop all the suffering that is going on.”

Sierra was 16 at the time of the killing. Guerrero was 18, but Clark County Detention Center records show that he is now 20.

The two defendants pleaded guilty to all the counts they faced: murder with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit murder, arson, robbery with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit robbery and four counts of fraudulent use of a credit or debit card.

Court records indicate that Sierra and Guerrero dated from June 2020 to December 2020, when their parents stopped them from seeing each other after learning that the teenagers planned to leave for Los Angeles together.

The day before Halseth’s body was found, Guerrero ran away from home, and the teenagers later purchased a circular saw, saw blades, bleach, lighter fluid, disposable gloves and drop cloth from stores near Halseth’s home, according to arresting documents. Hundreds of dollars also were withdrawn from one of Halseth’s bank accounts.

After police arrested the couple, investigators found a video on Sierra’s phone showing the couple giggling and discussing what officials said was her father’s killing.

During the sentencing hearing on Thursday, Sierra read from a statement while addressing the judge. In the statement, Sierra alleged that her father abused her sexually and physically, and pushed her to drink alcohol.

“My biological father has traumatized me — trauma I still have to work through every day,” Sierra told the judge.

When Guerrero addressed the judge, he apologized to Halseth’s family.

Michael Sanft, Sierra’s defense attorney, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that the evidence in the case did not allow him to corroborate all of Sierra’s claims about her father.

However, Sanft said, “there had to have been a reason” for the killing.

“I don’t think anyone here says this was not horrible,” the attorney said. “It was just the fact that there was more to the story.”

Sierra’s parents had gone through a bitter divorce, court records show. Sierra’s mother, who now goes by the name Elizabeth Helgelien, had been granted primary custody after Halseth filed for divorce in 2011, but the girl’s parents began disputing custody arrangements in 2020.

Child Protective Services interviewed Sierra at one point, according to court records. In videos of Family Court hearings previously obtained by the Review-Journal, Family Court Judge Charles Hoskin said, “Something else is going on with Sierra.”

“I don’t know yet what that is, whether that’s parental alienation, whether that’s human trafficking, whether that’s manipulation,” Hoskin said during an October 2020 hearing. “And I don’t know who at this point is to blame for that.”

In October 2011, Halseth was arrested on suspicion of open and gross lewdness after Helgelien said he assaulted her, according to an arrest report. He pleaded guilty a year later to misdemeanor counts of coercion and battery, and was sentenced to six months’ probation.

Helgelien told the Review-Journal on Thursday that she believed what her daughter said about her ex-husband, and that she wanted Sierra removed from his home.

“The system failed her at every turn. They could have saved her, and they failed her,” Helgelien said.

Three of Halseth’s siblings and his mother spoke during the sentencing hearing, expressing anger at Sierra. Following the hearing, Halseth’s mother, Christine Halseth, said her granddaughter’s statement about him was “nothing but a lie.”

Multiple family members told the judge on Thursday that they wished Sierra had received the death penalty.

Ben Halseth, one of the victim’s brothers, showed the judge posters full of pictures of Daniel Halseth when he was young. He said his brother was a “great father,” and “all he wanted in life was to be a good dad to his kids.”

Tom Halseth, another brother, cried as he addressed the judge. He said Sierra and Guerrero took something away from him that he cannot ever get back.

“I can hear my brother asking me to forgive. And to be honest, I’m not sure that’s even possible,” Tom Halseth said.

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