Scott Eizember

Scott Eizember Oklahoma Death Row

Scott Eizember

Scott Eizember was sentenced to death by the State of Oklahoma for the murders of an elderly couple. According to court documents Scott Eizember would break into the home of the elderly couple who would shortly return to the residence. Scott Eizember would start fighting with A.J. Cantrell who was able to grab a gun and shoot at Eizember, which would hit the intruder in the hand but it would also strike and kill his wife Patsy Cantrell. Scott Eizember would grab the gun and beat the elderly man to death. Scott Eizember would go on a rampage that would cross several States before finally being arrested. Scott Eizember would be sentenced to death for the elderly couple’s murders.

Scott Eizember was executed on January 12 2023

Oklahoma Death Row Inmate List

Scott Eizember 2021 Information

Gender: Male

Race: White

Height: 6 ft 0 in

Weight: 176 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

OK DOC#: 497824

Birth Date: 1/10/1961


Reception Date: 3/28/2005

Scott Eizember More News

Scott Eizember left a Tulsa jail intent on settling a score. He was upset with his ex-girlfriend, Kathy Biggs, because she had tipped off authorities about his violation of a protective order. So just as soon as he could he made for her hometown of Depew. Once there, he noticed an elderly couple leaving a house across the street from Ms. Biggs’s home. Mr. Eizember decided the place would make an ideal lookout for Ms. Biggs and, after the couple left, he broke in. But A.J. and Patsy Cantrell didn’t stay away as long as Mr. Eizember hoped, and when they returned home they found him pointing their own shotgun at them. A tense exchange followed but eventually things calmed down enough that Mr. Eizember set the gun down. It was then Mr. Cantrell saw his opportunity. He grabbed the gun and fired. The shot hit Mr. Eizember in the hand—but also tragically struck and killed Mrs. Cantrell. In what followed, Mr. Eizember wrestled the gun away from Mr. Cantrell and proceeded to beat him with it until he fell unconscious. Then Mr. Eizember dragged the Cantrells’ bodies into the bathroom, where Mr. Cantrell was left to—and did—die.

The Cantrells’ deaths proved only the beginning of things. Next, Mr. Eizember headed across the street, shotgun in hand, toward Ms. Biggs’s house. Her son, Tyler Montgomery, saw him coming and tried to run, but before he could Mr. Eizember shot him in the back. Then Mr. Eizember turned on Mr. Montgomery’s nearby grandmother, Carla Wright, and beat her with the shotgun too. Somehow in the midst of this melee Mr. Montgomery recovered enough to run out of the house and into his pickup truck. Mr. Eizember followed right behind, jumping into the truck bed. Mr. Montgomery drove off erratically, hoping to shake Mr. Eizember, but he wouldn’t be budged and even shot Mr. Montgomery again. Eventually Mr. Montgomery crashed into a pole, jumped out, and ran for help. Mr. Eizember headed in the other direction and managed to hitch a ride. When the driver grew suspicious, though, Mr. Eizember fired a shot at him too and leapt from the car.

For the next eleven days Mr. Eizember went to ground. Hiding in wooded areas around Depew—resurfacing only to steal clothes and a pistol from a nearby house—he succeeded in evading a police dragnet. But in time he realized he needed to make a break for it. So he stole a car he found outside a church, somehow eluded police lines, and made his way out of town. Soon, though, the car ran out of gas, leaving Mr. Eizember to continue his odyssey hitchhiking.

Continue it he did. Seeing Mr. Eizember on the roadside, Dr. Sam Peebles and his wife, Suzanne, stopped and offered him a lift. But as soon as he was settled in the car, Mr. Eizember turned his pistol on the couple and ordered them to drive him to Texas. The journey lasted hours. Finally, during a roadside break in Texas, Dr. Peebles drew his own revolver and shot Mr. Eizember. Mr. Eizember replied by wresting the revolver away and bludgeoning Dr. Peebles with the pistol he’d stolen back in Oklahoma. Then Mr. Eizember tried to shoot Mrs. Peebles. When the pistol wouldn’t fire, he struck her in the head instead and ran off. But it seems the wounds Dr. Peebles inflicted eventually caught up with Mr. Eizember. At a nearby convenience store the clerk heard he’d been shot and called the police. It was only then that the authorities at last arrested Mr. Eizember, taking him first to a hospital to recover, and, in time, to Oklahoma for trial.

A jury there found Mr. Eizember guilty of more than a few crimes: first-degree murder for Mr. Cantrell’s death, second-degree felony murder for Mrs. Cantrell’s death, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon for the attack on Mrs. Wright, shooting with intent to kill for the attack on Mr. Montgomery, and first-degree burglary for breaking into the Wrights’ home. For the first-degree murder charge, the jury found two aggravating circumstances—that Mr. Eizember knowingly created a great risk of death to more than one person and that the murder was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel—and sentenced him to death. For all the rest, the jury or judge settled on lesser sentences.

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  1. wish I could get a chance to meet me eizember…….would love to help this poor man….he doesn’t belong on death row…..he should let me kick the shi t out of him……..then shoot this duck in lower in his legs arms and finally his Schmidt head……..hope the demons mount it butt hard and repeated. u lowlife…..every time I c I almost got away with it……..I want the prison to let me butcher you pig

  2. What type of English is this ?⬆️↖️↗️? I’ve been able to read for 35 years and I can’t say that I have ever encountered such chaotic and indecipherable English. This would make an excellent spy code. Nobody would be able to speculate on what it means. I’m still sitting here shaking my head unable to make any cognitive connect the dots on the comments. Sorry this likely isn’t appropriate to write here and this is serious shit and someone is heartbroken over the loss of their loved ones and how they died so needlessly and brutally. Rogue individuals shouldn’t be amongst the public. If people cannot exhibit and maintain a level of discipline and temperament to stop themselves they probably aren’t a candidate for being among the public. There are too many people who don’t deserve to walk among the free and they steal people’s life savings when these people worked their entire life and now they are 68 years old and don’t know what they are going to do. This is a type of murder too. You have people who have great privilege and prey on children, the meek of mind, mentally retarded, the elderly, the gullible, the pure, the lonely and these people don’t deserve the freedom they manage to still have. There are rapists stealing people’s world view and sense of reality and how they relate to others and the emotional prision from that type of hell is unimaginable. You have politicians and elites who traffic in children and currently look the other way and allow for any person willing to take kids and then off the kids go with unvetted strangers. These kids end up in slavery, sexual abuse, organ harvested, trafficked, beaten, tortured and in extremes satanically and ritually sacrificed. Many may go to homes of great and wonderful people but parasitic and opportunistic psychopaths always take advantage of the chaos and weaknesses in others poorly made and run decisions. All I’m getting at is there are too many people who needlessly suffer and they are gone never to be seen again. They leave behind unanswered questions and an asymmetrical life in those that loved them, birthed them, was blood of them and someone takes away that life like it were their right to do so. It’s awful it’s sick and often the punishments for these things aren’t near to enough for the level of suffering that so many people carry inside or through the ones crying on their birthday or when that absence is bright and evident because the missing or dead use to fill that.. you kill more than one person when you kill one person. Same goes for any body count. I pray for the people who suffer at the hands of the animals that do these things, I pray relief from that which was completely destroyed inside and the altered the psychology stemming from this, I pray we get out of this sick and disgusting culture that values nobody’s life and how precious it is to at least someone and if that was all someone had that brought delight into their life you have hollowed out the hopes and promise within the loved ones life. Evil never goes unpunished and all that is unleashed on thr world in negative ways will be felt by the individual and lived through the eyes of the suffered. It’s in God’s hands and I’m sure even I’m the darkest and sinister evil committed there was something good and beautiful started as a result and so the suffered didn’t die without leaving a seed or a gift inspired by their living.

  3. I hope Mr. Enzembler has one of those lethal injection deaths that doesn’t work very well, like some in the past, where it took an hour or more to kill the condemned man. I hope he suffers miserably.

    1. i am canadian and wish we had death row people on death row have so many so many eaxcuses to try delay their exceution to have victims to have to wait to long that just as bad being on death row it should on appeal then a date with the needle

  4. Yea, it’s a hard read for sure. It’s obvious that the toughest three years of Chris’ life was the third grade.

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