katie quackenbush

Katie Quackenbush Shoots Homeless Man Gets Probation

Katie Quackenbush is a woman from Tennessee who after an encounter with a homeless man she pulled out a gun and shot him in the stomach. Initially Katie Quackenbush was charged with attempted murder however she would eventually be charged and convicted of reckless endangerment which carries a penalty of up to a year in…

Amber Waterman and Jamie Waterman

Amber Waterman Charged With Murder Of Pregnant Woman

Amber Waterman is a woman from Missouri who would kidnap a pregnant woman that ended in the woman’s death. According to police reports Amber Waterman allegedly kidnapped Ashley Bush who was 31 weeks pregnant in the hope of claiming the baby as her own. Ashley Bush was shot and killed and the fetus was removed…

Hend Bustami

Hend Bustami Charged With Mothers Murder

Hend Bustami is a woman from Las Vegas Nevada who claimed she was arrested during an earlier incident because of her looks has now been officially charged with the murder of her mother. According to police reports Hend Bustami would call 911 and would tell the operator that “I think I killed my mommy.” When…

Nikolas Cruz

Nikolas Cruz Sentenced To Life Without Parole

Nikolas Cruz was officially sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murders of seventeen people during the Parkland school shooting. Nikolas Cruz who plead guilty to the charges surrounding the Parkland school shooting would have a sentencing hearing as prosecutors wanted the death penalty. However at the end of the…

Jessica Briones

 Jessica Briones Gets Life For Daughters Murder

 Jessica Briones is a woman from Texas who was just sentenced to life in prison a day after being found guilty for the murder of her four year old daughter. According to court documents  Jessica Briones would bring the four year old girl to a nearby police station. as the child was unresponsive. The child…

David DePape

David DePape Attacks Paul Pelosi With A Hammer

David DePape is under arrest after he allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer in San Francisco. According to police reports David DePape entered the Pelosi home and attacked Paul with a hammer leaving him with a fractured skull. Apparently Paul Pelosi was able to call 911 telling the operator that his attacker was in…

Tyler Roenz

Tyler Roenz Found With Moms Body In Trunk Of Car

Earlier this week a report went out about a missing woman, Michelle Roenz, and her son, Tyler Roenz, out of Humble Texas. However things quickly began to change when Tyler Roenz led police in Nebraska on a high speed chase and when the teen crashed the vehicle they would find the body of a woman…