Ashton Sachs Teen Killer Murders Parents

Ashton Sachs 2021 photos

Ashton Sachs was a nineteen year old from California who would murder his parents and attempt to murder his siblings. According to court documents Ashton Sachs would shoot his parents as they slept in their home in San Juan Capistrano. Ashton Sachs would also attempt to shoot three of his siblings injuring one critically leaving the young boy paralyzed. This teen killer would be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole

Ashton Sachs 2023 Information

CDCR NumberBB3316
Admission Date10/26/2016
Current LocationChuckawalla Valley State Prison
Location LinkDirections
Parole Eligible Date (Month/Year)LWOP

Ashton Sachs More News

Ashton Sachs, the former California honors student who at 19 murdered his parents while they slept and tried to kill two younger siblings, will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

“The defendant is a sociopath,” Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney Mike Murray told an Orange County, California, judge at Sachs’ sentencing Friday.

“He has no remorse or empathy. All he cares about is himself.”

Sachs, now 22, previously pleaded guilty to the first-degree murders of his parents, 57-year-old Brad and Andra Sachs, 54. The couple was shot to death in the bedroom of their $2.5 million luxury home, in the ritzy Orange County beach community of San Juan Capistrano, on Feb. 9, 2014.

On Friday, Ashton received two life sentences without the possibility of parole for their murders and an additional 50 years for using a firearm.

Ashton Sachs was armed with an automatic rifle when he shot his mother 10 times and his father 12 times, including once in the face.

Ashton additionally received two life sentences plus an additional 50 years for the attempted murders of his then-8-year-old brother, Landon, and his then-17-year-old sister, Alexis, who narrowly missed a bullet to her head as she hid under her bed sheets. Landon was left paralyzed in the rampage.

A shackled Ashton, dressed in orange prison scrubs, sat quietly at his sentencing when Brad’s sister, his aunt, addressed him.

“When Brad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, I thought I would outlive my brother,” Lisa McGowan said. “But you decided to cut his life short.”

McGowan told Ashton that she had no room for forgiveness: “At this time I can’t forgive you. Maybe some day, but not today.”

Last month, Ashton, who was representing himself after he fired his attorney, abruptly pleaded guilty to the special circumstances murder and attempted murder charges. He gave no indication why he chose to change his plea.

Ashton Sachs told police he hatched the plot to kill his parents and then himself four or five days before the shooting.

Armed with a semiautomatic rifle and a shoe box filled with ammunition, he drove 20 hours from Seattle to a commercial building his mother owned on Feb. 8. He waited in his white Toyota Prius for two hours before he drove to his parents’ mansion.

He walked through the unlocked front door and paced around upstairs for what he says was 15 minutes, “thinking about what to do, whether to go through with it, go home [or] kill himself right there,” police said.

After Ashton shot his family, he took a taxi to John Wayne Airport in nearby Santa Ana, California, and was back in Seattle the following morning.

At his parents’ funeral a week later, no one appeared more distraught than Ashton.

“I was sitting next to him and he was crying hysterically,” Andra’s sister, Lesley Summers, told PEOPLE, in a previous interview. “He got up there and gave a speech. He talked about how he loved his parents, and how he hated his parents but mended his relationship with them.”

Ashton Sachs later joined forces with his brother Myles to get custody of his younger siblings and kept nightly vigils at Landon’s hospital bedside.

High school friend Jeremy Wentz saw him at the hospital cafeteria the morning after the shooting. “I hugged him and told him to let me know if he needed anything,” Wentz previously told PEOPLE. “I gave him a hug after he killed them.”

At first, theories abounded about the slayings. There was speculation that they were the result of a shady business deal or a legal dispute.

Andra had a real estate empire that was reportedly worth close to $80 million. However, she was planning on scaling back the business to care for Brad, a former champion surfer, who had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Even Ashton weighed in on the case: He was eager to cooperate with the police and offered detectives several names of former business partners as possible suspects.

As investigators worked the case, the family lived in fear, wondering if the killer would return to finish them off.

“There was security at the funeral, because at that point they didn’t know if it was a professional hit or someone who wasn’t finished,” Andra’s childhood friend Ruth Briscoe told PEOPLE in a previous interview.

But the police investigation closed in on Ashton.

As the evidence mounted — including a semiautomatic rifle found in his Prius and phone records placing him in the area at the time of the murders — investigators pushed him to offer his side of the story, to “give a reason why,” according to grand jury testimony in the case.

Ashton Sachs eventually cracked. Asked by police why he did it, he replied simply, “I don’t have a reason why. Just a lot of problems.”

He told detectives he had stopped attending classes, was spending his days smoking marijuana and playing video games. He blamed his parents for his depression and “messed-up life” and claimed that they hadn’t taken his previous suicide attempt seriously, adding that he was “the least favorite child in the family.”

Asked why he shot Landon, he responded, “I don’t know.”

After Ashton Sachs was arrested, police found a number of Wikipedia articles on his cell phone on degrees of murder, attempted and felony murder and an insanity defense.

At the sentencing this week, Murray said Ashton was raised in a loving family, but he showed signs of trouble. “There were problems with the defendant and the way he thought,” Murray said. He was found with a knife at school. He was found shooting birds.”

Murray said Ashton had every opportunity to lead a productive life, but he squandered it and that his alleged plan to kill himself instead of his parents was all a lie.

“No one kills themselves with a rifle,” Murray said.

Ashton Sachs chose not to address the court but seemed chatty with his court-appointed private investigator before he was led away by deputies to start his life sentence.

Ashton Sachs Video

Ashton Sachs FAQ

Ashton Sachs Now

Ashton Sachs is currently incarcerated at the Chuckawalla Valley State Prison

Ashton Sachs Release Date

Ashton Sachs is serving life without parole

Nickalas Kedrowitz Teen Killer Smothers Siblings

Nickalas Kedrowitz 2021 photos

Nickalas Kedrowitz was a thirteen year old from Indiana who would murder his two infant step siblings. According to court documents Nickalas Kedrowitz would his 23-month-old half-sister, Desiree McCartney, in May 2017 and his 11-month-old stepbrother, Nathaniel Ritz, in July 2017. The now fifteen year old Nickalas Kedrowitz would be found guilty of both counts of murder. The teen killer was sentenced to 100 years in prison

Nickalas Kedrowitz 2023 Information

Nicklas Kedrowitz  is not yet in the Indiana Department Of Corrections

Nickalas Kedrowitz More News

In a case that dates back to May 1, 2017, a pre-trial hearing was held in Ripley County Circuit Court last Friday, January 10 at 1:30 p.m. Nickalas Kedrowitz, 15, was clad in a blue jumpsuit with Juvenile Center Inmate imprinted on the back as he was escorted into the courtroom by Ripley County Transport Officers, Winston Halcomb, Randy Thieman, and Ripley County Sheriff’s Deputy, Jordan Hartmann. Kedrowitz’s attorneys, Mark Jones and Lynn Fledderman, asked for a continuance from the February 18 date for a jury trial.

Kedrowitz is accused of killing two of his siblings – Desiree McCartney, two-years-old and Nathaniel Ritz, 11-months old, just 81 days apart at their Osgood home in 2017. In an Affidavit for Probable Cause, Kedrowitz told police “he didn’t want to hurt them (deceased siblings), but he had to set them free from this hell. He said he didn’t leave any bruises or scratches on them.” 

The attorneys asked for the continuance saying a doctor had just recently examined Kedrowitz and had adjusted his psychotic medications. They also asked for additional time to get properly prepared for the trial. Judge Ryan King asked the State if they had received any information from doctors on this turn of events. Prosecuting Attorney Ric Hertel noted that his office had not received anything.

The Judge then asked Defense if they had a report, and they said they did not. They all agreed that the documentation, if and when it is forthcoming, should be shared with the Court and State. Whether or not the documentation from the doctor will be public is to be determined.While the Judge did continue the jury trial date to a possible summer date, he noted, “This could go on forever,” referring to Kedrowitz being sent to several different doctors and medications changing. He told Defense they needed to be preparing for trial. 

Another pre-trial hearing was set for March 19 at 1:30 p.m. in Judge King’s court. The case gained great media coverage as it initially unfolded, but at the hearing last week, only the maternal grandmother of Kedrowitz sat in the courtroom. She noted, “This is tearing our family apart. It’s just been hard.” Prior to the pretrial hearing, Kedrowitz turned around and spoke to his grandmother. They had what appeared to be a casual conversation and a few smiles were exchanged. Ripley Publishing Co. was the only media in the courtroom.

Nickalas Kedrowitz Other News

A Ripley County jury convicted an Osgood teen of two counts of murder on Monday, according to court documents.

Nickalas Kedrowitz, 17, was found guilty of smothering his two siblings — his 23-month-old half-sister, Desiree McCartney, in May 2017 and his 11-month-old stepbrother, Nathaniel Ritz, in July 2017.

Kedrowitz was only 13 years old when the murders took place, but Indiana law allowed for him to be tried as an adult.

The teen now faces a sentence of 45-65 years for each count of murder. The sentencing is scheduled to take place on Nov. 10.

Nickalas Kedrowitz More News

An Indiana teen is now facing dozens of years behind bars after a jury convicted him of killing two of his young siblings in 2017.

The verdict came down Friday, Aug. 20. The jury deliberated for just over six hours before finding Nickalas Kedrowitz guilty of murdering his 11-month-old stepbrother, Nathaniel Ritz, and nearly 2-year-old half-sister, Desiree McCartney. Kedrowitz was 13 years old at the time.

Investigators said Kedrowitz smothered the kids to death. Both were killed at the family’s home in Osgood, about 60 miles southeast of Indianapolis.

A judge previously found Kedrowitz competent to stand trial and ordered him to adult court. Indiana law allows juveniles as young as 12 to be tried as adults for murder.

Kedrowitz is set to be sentenced Nov. 10 in Ripley Circuit Court. He’s facing 45-65 years on each murder count. He is being held in the Ripley County Jail.

13News spoke with Christina McCartney, the mother of the children, in 2018.

“I’m grateful for the time I got to spend with my babies, but my heart breaks for the time that I am missing that has been taken from me, by the hands of my own son,” McCartney said, crying.

Nicklas Kedrowitz Sentencing

Nicklas Kedrowitz has been sentenced to 100 years behind bars. 

He was 13 when he murdered his 23-month-old sister, Desiree McCartney and his 11-month-old brother, Nathaniel Ritz. The two murders happened in May and June of 2017, only 81 days apart. 

Through the course of the investigation, police learned that Kedrowitz used a towel or blanket to smother the victims. 

In December of 2018, his mother was featured on an episode of Dr. Phil, where she defended her son’s actions, stating her son does not belong in jail, but would instead benefit from being in a mental health facility. During the same show, Dr. Phil shared a similar sentiment saying, “I think he should be tried as an adolescent, and I think he should be sent to a psychiatric facility for whatever time is necessary to get him help.”

However, a judge waived the case to adult court after Kedrowitz was found competent to stand trial. 

A Ripley County jury returned a guilty verdict against the now 17-year-old after a five-day August trial in Ripley Circuit Court. 

On Tuesday, following a three hour sentencing hearing, Kedrowitz was sentenced to 50 years for both counts of murder. 

The sentences were ordered by Judge King to be served Consecutively upon the recommendation of Prosecutor Ric Hertel.

Nicklas Kedrowitz Photos

Nicklas Kedrowitz

Rebecca Blackmore Teen Killer Murders Newborn

rebecca blackmore photos

Rebecca Blackmore was sixteen years old from North Carolina when she murdered her newborn baby. According to court documents Rebecca Blackmore would fatally stab the newborn baby to death using a pair of scissors. This teen killer would be sentenced to ten to twelve years in prison

Rebecca Blackmore 2023 Information

rebecca blackmore 2021 photos
Offender Number:1384717                                          
Inmate Status:ACTIVE
Birth Date:04/24/1995
Current Location:ANSON CI
Incarceration Status:ACTIVETotal Incarceration Term:13 YEARS 3 MONTHS
Conviction Date:08/19/2013Projected Release Date:10/15/2023
Special Characteristics:REGULARCurrent Status:FELON
Admission Date:08/21/2013Admitting Location:NC CI WOMEN
Control Status:REGULAR POPULATIONNext Control Review:UNKNOWN
Custody Classification:MEDIUMNext Custody Review:UNKNOWN
Number Of Infractions:14     View InfractionsLast Infraction Date:12/15/2020
Current Location:ANSON CIPrevious Location:NEUSE CI
Last Movement :RECEIVED FROM NEUSE CILast Movement Date:08/01/2019

Rebecca Blackmore More News

A North Carolina teen was sentenced to 10 to 12 years in prison on a reduced murder charge after she pleaded guilty on Monday to the stabbing death of her infant daughter.

Authorities said Rebecca Blackmore, who was 16 years old when her baby died in 2011, killed her newborn child by stabbing the baby girl to death with scissors.

According to Lindsay Voorhees, a spokeswoman for the Currituck County Sheriff’s Office, the Knotts Island teen went to Chesapeake Regional Medical Center on June 17, 2011. There, she told employees she had just given birth and the baby was dead in her home.

When authorities went to Blackmore’s residence, they found the baby’s body hidden inside Blackmore’s bedroom closet.

The medical examiner’s office in Greenville, N.C., later determined the baby was alive at birth and survived only for a very short period of time, Currituck County Sheriff Susan Johnson previously told HuffPost.

The infant’s death was caused by “multiple stab wounds,” according to Johnson.

North Carolina has a safe haven law, which states “you can leave your baby, up to 7 days old, with an employee on duty at any hospital” and several other approved locations. The mother is not required to provide any identifying information. Children who are dropped off become a ward of the state, according to the law.

Blackmore — previously a student at Currituck County High School — was charged as an adult in the killing.

With the plea, prosecutors lowered the charge from first degree murder, which could have resulted in a sentence of life in prison without parole.

Rebecca Blackmore FAQ

Rebecca Blackmore 2021

Rebecca Blackmore is currently incarcerated at the North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women

Rebecca Blackmore Release Date

Rebecca Blackmore is scheduled for release in 2023

Cathleen Boyer Teen Killer Murders Love Rival

Cathleen Boyer photos

Cathleen Boyer was sixteen years old when she stabbed a love rival to death. According to court documents Cathleen Boyer and the victim eighteen year old Kayla VanWert were involved in a fight over social media and agreed to meet up and fight. When Kayla VanWert showed up she was stabbed to death by Cathleen Boyer. The teen killer would plead guilty to murder and would be sentenced to seven to twenty years in prison

Cathleen Boyer 2023 Information

cathleen boyer 2021 photos

Parole Number: PA2748
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 12/17/1999
Race/Ethnicity: WHITE
Height: 5′ 05″
Gender: FEMALE
Citizenship: USA
Complexion: FAIR

Cathleen Boyer More News

A high-school student who admitted to stabbing another teen to death after an argument on Facebook has been sentenced to prison.

Cathleen Boyer, 17, was sentenced Wednesday to seven to 20 years in prison.

Police say Boyer stabbed Kayla VanWert, 18, last year during a fight on McKenna Court in Scranton. VanWert died at the hospital.

Cathleen Boyer Other News

A rivalry among two teen girls over a man who had fathered a child with one of them turned fatal last year when the 17-year-old stabbed the 18-year-old mom to death.

Now, the accused, Cathleen Boyer, 17, of Scranton, is facing up to her actions, pleading guilty to third degree murder earlier this week in Lackawanna County Court, according to WNEP-TV and the Times-Tribune of Scranton.

“You understand by pleading guilty you are admitting to the things you’re charged with?” the judge asked, according to the newspaper report.

Yes, your honor,” Boyer answered.

With that, the 17-year-old now faces a minimum of at least seven years in a state prison.

But the prosecution is expected to ask for a 20-year-prison term, the Times-Tribune reported. And the judge could impose a sentence of up to 40 years at sentencing, which remains unscheduled, the newspaper added.

All because Boyer stabbed and killed 18-year-old Kayla VanWert — her former friend — in violent alley brawl on May 29, 2016.

Boyer was 16 at the time.

The spark for the violence was a romantic rivalry between to the two former friends over the father of VanWert’s child, Jorge DeJesus, who the teen mom suspected was romantically involved with Boyer, the Times-Tribune reported, adding:

That led to a threat-filled argument on social media between Boyer and VanWert, which ended hours later with the fatal stabbing.

Due to the severity of the crime, Boyer was charged as an adult.

Boyer remains in Lackawanna County Prison without bail, where she is taking 11th-grade high school classes and hopes to earn a diploma soon, the newspaper reported.

Cathleen Boyer FAQ

Cathleen Boyer 2021

Cathleen Boyer is currently incarcerated at the Cambridge Springs Facility

Cathleen Boyer Release Date

Cathleen Boyer is serving a seven to thirty year prison sentence. She is eligible for parole in 2023

Angel Bumpass Teen Killer At 13 Years Old

angel bumpass photos

Angel Bumpass was thirteen years old when she participated in a murder that left a man dead. According to court documents the victim, a sixty eight year old man Franklin Bonner was tied up and beaten to death. The crime went unsolved for a decade. Angel Bumpass who was a five foot eighty pound eighth grade student at the time of the crime would ultimately be convicted of the murder as her fingerprint was found on the tape that bound the victim. Mallory Vaughn who confessed to a cellmate that he murdered Franklin Bonner and would later state never knew Angel Bumpass was found not guilty of the murder. Angel Bumpass the alleged teen killer would be sentenced to serve sixty years in prison

Angel Bumpass 2023 Information

angel bumpass 2021 photos
Birth Date:03/03/1995
TDOC ID:00613074
State ID Number (SID):04594793
Combined Sentence(s) Length:LIFESupervision/Custody Level:MEDIUM
Sentence Begin Date:07/31/2019Sentence End Date: 
Release Eligibility Date:02/01/2079Parole Hearing Date: 

Angel Bumpass More News

A Criminal Court jury on Thursday night ruled Angel Bumpass guilty of a murder that happened in 2009 when she was 13 years old.

The verdict in the Cold Case for her was guilty of first-degree felony murder and guilty of attempt to commit especially aggravated robbery.

Her arrest came after a new detective on the case decided to have the fingerprints once again checked from duct tape that was used to tie up the victim. Two of the prints came back to Angel Bumpass.

The jury found that Mallory Vaughn was not guilty, though Federal inmate Nicholas Cheatom told the jury that Vaughn had confessed to him that he killed 68-year-old Franklin Bonner.

Judge Tom Greenholz set the sentencing date for Ms. Bumpass for Nov. 21 at 1:30 p.m.

Cheatom said Vaughn told him he was going to “put a lick on someone named the lottery man.” Cheatom, who was in federal prison when he initially told investigators this information, said he had picked up Vaughn from a hotel when the defendant allegedly spoke about the murder.

“He told me he messed up,” said Cheatom,“ (he said) he duct-taped someone up like a mummy, and it went wrong.” The witness told the court Vaughn would occasionally cut his grass or do chores around his house for some extra money.

Defense attorney Kevin Loper grilled the witness, focusing on the way Cheatom’s story changed from one interview to the next. At one point, Cheatom said he did not know about the murder until investigator Karl Fields told him about it. Another time, the witness said he learned about the murder from the television news the next day. And up until a later interview, a female accomplice was not mentioned by the witness.

The defense also pointed out that the testimony he gave would lessen Cheatom’s sentence in Federal Court. He is currently serving a sentence for a bank robbery.  Cheatom accused the defense of omitting several key statements, and at times even going as far as to say the defense was making up things.

“Are you calling me a liar?” asked attorney Loper.

“Yes, I am,” replied Cheatom.

One point of contention occurred when attorney Loper repeatedly asked Cheatom about whether or not he knew someone named Bumpass. Cheatom said he did, and attorney Loper said the transcript showed that in an earlier interview, he said he did not. As the prosecuting attorney pointed out, in the transcript, Cheatom was answering the question of whether or not he had a relative named Bumpass.

After the state rested its case, both Vaughn and Ms. Bumpass declined to testify. TBI agent Jennifer Shipman said the organization did not test a hair follicle found on the tape. The defense attorney argued it may have belonged to someone other than Angel Bumpass, and possibly to someone not identified who had fingerprints on the tape as well. In Wednesday’s testimony, it came to light that there were nine unidentified fingerprints on the tape aside from just Angel Bumpass’.

Her grandfather said Ms. Bumpass was a very creative child, and enjoyed arts and crafts. He said she would use duct tape in certain crafts, and that he would then bring his tools and equipment to Franklin Bonner’s house when he would work on things at that residence. The grandfather said he did not recall his granddaughter ever going over to Mr. Bonner’s house though.

A private investigator produced documents showing Ms. Bumpass had been counted present at school on that day. However, she was only in school until early afternoon, and he could not verify how reliable those documents were.

After a lunch break and a lengthy set of jury instructions, the defense and prosecution gave their closing arguments.

Prosecutor Cameron Williams focused on the evidence found at the scene, especially Angel Bumpass’ fingerprints. He also asked the jury to consider Cheatom’s testimony, saying that it was logical that a criminal such as Vaughn would confide in a fellow criminal like Cheatom.

“There is no justification for what these two individuals did to Franklin Bonner. They tied him up in his kitchen, cut off his air supply, and let him suffocate,” said prosecutor Williams, “You have an awesome opportunity to make sure there is closure for the Bonner family.”

Vaughn’s attorney, Loper, refuted this assertion, and questioned the credibility of the prosecution’s star witness. At one point, a very emotional Loper pled with the jury to consider the facts of the case and find his client innocent of murder.

“This case is about lies, assumptions, and a blatant disregard for the facts,” he said. “I don’t know why they would put an innocent man in prison for life.”

Bumpass’ attorney, Andrea Hayduk, had a similar message for the jury. She focused on the complete absence of evidence of Ms. Bumpass and Vaughn ever knowing each other. No phone calls, texts, emails, or pictures were found that could link the two. Attorney Hayduck also repeatedly reminded the jury of Ms. Bumpass’ age. At the time of the 2009 slaying, Angel Bumpass was only 13 years old.

“Convicting a 13-year-old girl of murder is not perpetuating the wheels of justice,” said the attorney, while also saying that a female accomplice, not even specified to be Ms. Bumpass, was not mentioned by Cheatom until years after the fact.

Angel Bumpass Videos

Angel Bumpass FAQ

Angel Bumpass 2021

Angel Bumpass is currently incarcerated at the Debra Johnson Rehabilitation Center

Angel Bumpass Release Date

Angel Bumpass is not eligible for release until 2079