Michael Smith Virginia Execution

Michael Smith - Virginia

Michael Smith was executed by the State of Virginia for the sexual assault and murder of a woman. According to court documents Michael Smith who was just released from prison after serving time for sexual assault would attack, sexually assault and murder a woman. Michael Smith would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Michael Smith would be executed by way of the electric chair on August 31, 1986

Michael Smith More News

A man who said the devil made him rape and murder a woman has been executed in Virginia’s electric chair after spending 8 1/2 years on death row.

″Father, I am here,″ Michael Marnell Smith said just before the first of two 55-second jolts of current ran through his body Thursday night, a half hour after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his appeal.

Smith, 40, who spent more time on death row than anyone else now facing execution in Virginia, died at the State Penitentiary at 11:42 p.m., said Corrections Department spokesman Wayne Farrar.

In a 5-3 decision, the nation’s highest court rejected Smith’s appeal at 11:10 p.m. Earlier in the day, federal district and appeals court judges refused to block the execution, the state’s fifth since it resumed executions in 1982 and first in more than a year. The execution was the nation’s 12th this year.

Smith was condemned for the May 23, 1977, murder of Audrey Jean Weiler, a mother of two who was attacked as she strolled by the James River on her 36th birthday. He had been out of prison for less than five months after serving three years for rape.

In an affidavit, Smith said he met Mrs. Weiler on a beach and helped her pull some thorns from her feet. He then took her to the woods, forced her to disrobe, raped her, choked her, dragged her to the beach, held her head under water, stabbed her three times and left her corpse in the river.

He blamed his crimes on the devil.

Smith appeared dazed when led into the execution chamber, then peered into the witness room, which was occupied by reporters for the first time since the resumption of executions in Virginia. He prayed from the moment he was brought in until the first surge of electricity hit him.

″I come to thee, O Lord,″ he said. ″Father, your holy spirit, accept me, O Lord, I pray.″

″Father,″ he said, ″I am here.″

The prison chaplain responded, ″God bless you,″ as the current jolted Smith’s body.

Outside the prison, about 100 people protested for and against the death penalty.

Smith’s lawyers had requested a stay of execution from the lower courts until the Supreme Court could rule on whether death sentences are applied unfairly against blacks when whites are the victims.

Michael Smith was black and his victim white.

The Supreme Court, without comment, refused to review the appeal, with Justices Harry A. Blackmun, William Brennan Jr. and Thurgood Marshall dissenting, and John Paul Stevens not participating.

Smith had been ″pleasant, cooperative and very much in contact with reality″ as he awaited his execution, said Dwight Perry, operations officer at the penitentiary. Smith, a father of three, was visited by at least three clergymen and a brother during his final hours.


Jerome Bowden Georgia Execution

Jerome Bowden Georgia

Jerome Bowden was executed by the State of Georgia for a double murder. According to court documents Jerome Bowden would break into a home and stab to death a mother and her daughter. The elderly woman who was paralyzed and bedridden and her daughter would be found days later. Jerome Bowen would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Jerome Bowden would be executed by lethal injection on June 25, 1986

Jerome Bowden More News

Strapped into Georgia’s electric chair, moments from meeting his fate, Jerome Bowden uttered his last words.

I would like to thank the people of this institution for taking such care of me as they did,” said Bowden, 34, convicted of a gruesome murder in Columbus. “I hope by my execution being carried out, it will bring some light to this thing that is wrong.”

Then a prison official flipped a switch, sending 2,000 volts of electricity through Bowden’s body. Two minutes later, a physician pronounced him dead.

That was June 24, 1986. Thirty years later, Georgia officials insist that details of Bowden’s execution remain, by law, “confidential state secrets.”

The State Board of Pardons and Paroles recently turned down a request from two documentary filmmakers to release documents concerning Bowden’s long-ago appeal for clemency. The filmmakers are especially interested in a board-ordered IQ test that apparently found Bowden to be, in the language of the day, mentally retarded.

“They don’t care about historical accuracy,” said Paula Caplan, a Harvard University professor who has spent a dozen years working with the director Mark Harris on “American Justice: The Jerome Bowden Story.” Their film, still unfinished, credits Bowden’s execution with swaying public opinion – and the U.S. Supreme Court – against executing people with intellectual disabilities. (Warning: the film contains graphic crime-scene photographs.)

Two years after putting Bowden to death, Georgia became the first state to bar such executions. But the state law spares only condemned killers who are judged “beyond a reasonable doubt,” the highest standard of proof in the U.S. legal system. The Supreme Court prohibited the practice in 2002, but deferred to states’ judgment on whether inmates are disabled.

The film is “a history about a major turning point in U.S. law that started in Georgia,” Caplan said in an interview. “But it’s still happening, and it’s still happening the way it happened to Jerome Bowden.”

In 2015, for instance, Georgia executed Warren Lee Hill, whose IQ was 70, for beating his prison cellmate to death. An IQ of 70 or below is generally considered to indicate a disability.

The records the filmmakers sought on Bowden’s execution are confidential under state law, said Steve Hayes, a Parole Board spokesman. The law, however, also gives the board the discretion to make the documents public.

“In determining whether to declassify the records, the board determines whether declassifying the materials furthers public policy, assists law enforcement or aids in the protection of the public,” Hayes said. “The board determined their request did not meet any of the criteria.”

More than perhaps any other state agency, the parole board operates with virtually no public scrutiny. It considers clemency requests and most other matters in private and, in most cases, offers no explanation for its decision.

This decision leaves a hole in the film, which begins in 1976 in Columbus.

Police were called to check on the well-being of Kathryn Stryker, 55, who lived with her 76-year-old mother, Wessie Bell Jenkins. In the kitchen, an officer found Stryker’s body, disfigured from being beaten and stabbed. Jenkins lay in bed, badly wounded but still alive four days after the assault. She died of a heart attack in a hospital about a month later.

Detectives arrested a 16-year-old neighbor, James Lee Graves. He confessed to robbing the women but said his friend Jerome Bowden, then 24, killed Stryker and assaulted Jenkins.

Jerome Bowden had served time in prison on a burglary conviction, but relatives and friends told the filmmakers he was not violent.

“Jerome wasn’t a bad child,” his sister Josie Lee Henderson said in the film. “He was off some.”

Another sister, Shirley Thomas, said Bowden was “retarded” – a “slow learner” who attended “a special class for special people.” He could not read, Thomas said, and could not have comprehended the signed confession that detectives later presented at his trial.

Both sisters are now dead.

When Jerome Bowden went on trial, a judge denied a request from his court-appointed lawyer – trying his first criminal case – to pay for psychological testing. The judge did not allow the lawyer to mention Bowden’s intellectual disability in front of the jury.

Testifying in his own defense, Bowden denied killing Stryker. He said he confessed only because a detective told him it would keep him “from going to the electric chair.”

In a separate trial, Graves was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Now 56, he was released on parole in 2012.

Jerome Bowden spent nearly a decade on Death Row before officials set an execution date. He appealed for clemency from the parole board, mentioning that at age 14, his IQ was recorded as 59 – 41 points below average intelligence.

The board granted a temporary stay of execution and ordered a new IQ test. Ten days later, a psychologist told the board that Bowden scored 71 on a verbal section of the test and 62 on the non-verbal portion. His combined score was 65 – still in the disabled range.

But the board lifted the stay, describing Bowden as “mildly retarded.”

“We learned a great deal of what ‘mildly retarded’ means,” a parole board member was quoted as saying in news reports. “A mildly retarded person is not walking around in a cloud. … If he doesn’t understand the relationship between pain and punishment now, he did then.”

Jerome Bowden was put to death the following morning.

Caplan, who also is a psychologist, wants to see the test papers from 1986 to assess whether the IQ examination was properly administered and interpreted.

“It may be it was administered by the book,” she said. “But we do not know that. This man was executed because of it.”


Kenneth Brock Texas Execution

Kenneth Brock – Texas

Kenneth Brock was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of a store manager. According to court documents Kenneth Brock was robbing a convenience store when police showed up. Kenneth Brock would take the store manager hostage and when police began to move in the man was fatally shot. Kenneth Brock was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Kenneth Brock would be executed on June 19 1986 by lethal injection

Kenneth Brock More News

A man convicted of killing a convenience store clerk went quietly to his death Thursday, an execution the victim’s father tried to stop.

″OK, ’bye,″ Kenneth Albert Brock said to relatives witnessing the execution as the lethal drugs flowed into his right arm as he lay in the death chamber at the Walls Unit.

″Kenneth, I love you,″ said his sister, Nancy Dodson. He replied: ″I know.″

Brock, 37, then took about eight more deep breaths and snored before falling silent.

Mrs. Dodson called for her brother three times, crying softly and holding a tissue while her husband embraced her. ″Kenneth, can you hear me?″ she asked.

Doctors pronounced him dead at 12:18 a.m.

Brock, a Marine deserter, was convicted in the May 21, 1974, shooting death of Michael Sedita, 31, manager of a convenience store in Houston.

On Tuesday, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles refused to commute Brock’s death penalty to life imprisonment.

″Killing Kenneth Brock is wrong. It will not change what has happened to my son,″ Joseph M. Sedita of Houston, the victim’s father, told the board Tuesday.

″Killing Kenneth Brock will not ease my suffering or my wife’s suffering or the loss of Michael,″ he added. ″Two wrongs don’t make a right. I could not be at peace if Kenneth Brock dies.″

Former Harris County District Attorney George Jacobs, who prosecuted the case 11 years ago, also had asked the parole board to revoke Brock’s sentence. Jacobs said Brock did not deserve to die.

Jacobs said Brock took Sedita hostage into nearby woods after a police officer saw him robbing the store.

″In the excitement, the gun could have gone off,″ he said. Jacobs said the gun may have fired accidentally because of a hair trigger.

Harris County District Attorney John B. Holmes Jr., whose office argued against granting a reprieve, said Jacobs’ opinion was inconsistent with the way he handled the case.

″If he felt that death was not an appropriate penalty at the time, maybe he shouldn’t have tried it as a death penalty case,″ Holmes said.

Brock spent his final morning packing, watching television, and talking with other inmates. He was calm and congenial as he talked with his mother, six sisters, a brother-in-law, and a friend. His last meal was a double cheeseburger with mustard, french fries and a Dr Pepper.

Brock’s execution was the fifth in Texas this year and the 15th since the death penalty was resumed in 1982. The state still has 232 convicts on death row, and Attorney General Jim Mattox said he anticipated at least one execution a month for the rest of the year.


Joshua Horein Teen Killer Murders Classmate

Joshua Horein

Joshua Horein was sixteen years old from New York State when he beat to death a classmate to death. According to court documents Joshua Horein would beat to death Amber Brockway a fellow student at a Watkins Glen high school. This teen killer would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to twenty years to life. Joshua Horein would be up for parole in 2021 however it was denied. Joshua has never given a motive for the brutal murder

Joshua Horein 2023 Information

DIN (Department Identification Number)01B0816  

Inmate Name HOREIN, JOSHUA J  

Sex MALE  

Date of Birth 07/28/1984  

Race / Ethnicity WHITE  

Custody Status IN CUSTODY  

Housing / Releasing Facility FISHKILL  

Date Received (Original)04/09/2001  

Date Received (Current)04/09/2001  

Admission Type NEW COMMITMENT  

County of Commitment SCHUYLER

Joshua Horein More News

For the third time, the state Parole Board has denied early release for a Watkins Glen man convicted of killing a classmate when he was a teenager.

Joshua Horein, now 36, was 16 when he bludgeoned 15-year-old Amber Brockway to death in August 2000. 

Horein pleaded guilty to second-degree murder three days before he was set to go to trial in April 2001. Then-Schuyler County Judge J.C. Argetsinger sentenced him to 20 years to life in prison.

Based on the sentence, Horein was due to be eligible for parole in 2020, but he was granted an early hearing in October 2019 under the state’s Limited Credit Time Allowance provision, which gives some inmates an opportunity to apply for parole early if they meet certain criteria.

The Parole Board denied Horein’s bid for early release following that hearing, as it did after a subsequent hearing in the summer of 2020.

He wasn’t due for another hearing until 2022, but the Parole Board granted him another hearing in March based on procedural issues with the hearing held last year.

The Schuyler County District Attorney’s Office was notified Friday that the board held that hearing and voted again to reject Horein’s bid for early release.

“For the third time in less than two years the New York State Parole Board has denied Joshua Horein’s application for parole,” said Schuyler County District Attorney Joseph Fazzary, who prosecuted Horein following Brockway’s murder.

“On behalf of Amber Brockway’s family and friends, and the Schuyler County community, I thank the board for its decision to keep Mr. Horein behind bars,” Fazzary said. “His murder of Amber was brutal and devastated the quaint Village of Watkins Glen. He should not be rewarded with early release. The board obviously made the right decision and we are thankful for that.”

Horein, who is serving his sentence at the Fishkill Correctional Facility in Beacon, New York, will be eligible for another parole hearing in 2022.


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Joshua Horein Now

Joshua Horein is currently incarcerated at the Fishkills Correctional Center

Joshua Horein Release Date

Joshua Horein is serving a life sentence however has been eligible for parole since 2020

Kenneth Thompson Murdered In Prison

Kenneth Thompson

Kenneth Thompson was sentenced to death by the State of Arizona however other prisoners decided to speed up the time line and would murder him inside of the Arizona Department Of Corrections. Kenneth Thompson would receive a death sentence after traveling from Missouri to Arizona where he would murder his sister in law and her boyfriend before setting the house on fire. Kenneth Thompson tried to blame Scientology for the murder as his beliefs taught him that psychology was evil. The Arizona Department of Corrections have said they believe two people are responsible for Kenneth Thompson murder however the names have yet to be made public

Kenneth Thompson More News

Kenneth Thompson — the Missouri man who traveled to Arizona, killed his sister-in-law and her boyfriend and used Scientology as a defense — died Wednesday, according to the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry. Officials are investigating his death as an apparent homicide.

Thompson was pronounced dead shortly after 1 p.m. Wednesday, the department announced. He was found in his “assigned housing unit where life-saving measures were conducted,” the department said. He was an inmate in the Arizona State Prison Complex Eyman, in Florence.

The department has identified two suspects, also inmates, “for the attack,” but did not offer more details.

Thompson’s crime was shocking, and the subsequent northern Arizona trial was gripping. In 2012, he traveled to Arizona from his home in Missouri and used a hatchet and a knife to kill his sister-in-law and her boyfriend. He poured acid on their bodies, set the Prescott Valley house on fire and fled.

A Prescott jury in 2019 found him guilty of first-degree murder, burglary, arson, criminal damage and tampering with evidence. He was sentenced to death.

Whether Thompson killed his sister-in-law and her boyfriend — Penelope Edwards and Troy Dunn — wasn’t up for debate in his 2019 trial. His attorneys didn’t dispute that.

But they took issue with the prosecution’s portrait of Thompson as a premeditated killer. He was concerned about the two children in his sister-in-law’s care, they argued.

Thompson’s wife had taken care of them while Penelope Edwards was in prison. Once she was released and got the children back, Thompson and his wife often worried about them. When Thompson learned one of the children was receiving psychiatric treatment at a children’s hospital, that was the last straw. 

Thompson was raised as a Scientologist and his attorneys argued that Scientologists view psychology as “evil and a scam.” He believed he was on a mission to rescue these children from spiritual death, they argued.

Court testimony helped piece together a narrative of what happened in Prescott Valley in 2012.

Thompson took off for Arizona. His attorneys said even his then-wife, Gloria, didn’t know about his plans. He had told her he was heading to Memphis to deal with legal issues surrounding his parents’ estate.

His attorneys said he arrived at a junction at Interstate 40 and impulsively decided to bear west, heading to Arizona. As he drove to Arizona, which court testimony said took him just more than one day, Gloria began texting him. But Thompson left his phone at home.

He stayed at a motel. He went to Walmart the next morning to buy a hatchet and a change of clothes. His attorneys maintained the hatchet was for a camping trip he planned.

He took a taxi to his sister-in-law’s house. Details became much more muddled after that.

Thompson told the jury he wanted to bribe his sister-in-law into letting him bring the children back to Missouri with him. The Prescott Daily Courier reported he testified to the jury for almost four hours.

He claimed the conversation turned violent. His attorneys said he struck in the heat of passion. They asked for a manslaughter verdict.

Hours after he arrived at his sister-in-law’s home, neighbors reported a house fire. Responding crews discovered the victims’ bodies. Police pulled Thompson over on I-40 heading east.

A search revealed a hatchet with human hair and blood on its blade.
