alton coleman

Alton Coleman And Debra Brown Serial Killers

Alton Coleman and Debra Brown were two serial killers who would go on a crime spree through six states that included the murder of eight people. Eventually Alton Coleman and Debra Brown would be sentenced to death in three separate States. Alton Coleman would be executed in Ohio and Debra Brown will spend the rest…

Lorraine Hunter women on death row

Lorraine Hunter Women On Death Row

Lorraine Hunter is currently on California Death Row for the murder of her husband in order to collect the insurance money. According to court documents Lorraine Hunter took out two additional insurance policies worth over three quarters of a million dollars in the weeks preceding the murder. On the night of the murder Lorraine Hunter…

Michelle Sue Tharp women on death row

Michelle Sue Tharp Women On Death Row

Michelle Sue Tharp is on Pennsylvania Death Row for the murder of her seven year old daughter. According to court documents Michelle Sue Tharp daughter Tausha Lee Lanham who was under twenty pounds when she died in 1998. Michelle Sue Tharp would be convicted and sentenced to death. Michelle Sue Tharp 2022 Information Name Name…

lisa carpenter graham 2021 photos

Lisa Carpenter Graham Women On Death Row

Lisa Carpenter Graham was sentenced to death for arranging the murder of her adult daughter. According to court documents Lisa Carpenter Graham would convince a friend to murder her daughter. The friend, Kenneth Walton, would taker her daughter, Stephanie Shea Graham, out for a drive that ended on an empty country road. Once Stephanie Shea…

Christie Michelle Scott Women On Death Row

Christie Michelle Scott Women On Death Row

Christie Michelle Scott is on Alabama Death Row for the murder of her child. According to court documents Scott set fire to her home that would kill her six year old autistic son. Fire investigators believed that the fatal fire was actually set in her children bedroom. It is believed that Scott was trying to collect on…

Heather Leavell Keaton Women On Death Row

Heather Leavell Keaton Women On Death Row

Heather Leavell Keaton is on Alabama Death Row for the murders of two young children. According to court documents Leavell Keaton and her common law husband John DeBlase murdered the first child in March 2010, the ten year old child strangled to death after she was duct taped and placed in a closet. The second child was…

Sammantha Uriarte Allen Women On Death Row

Sammantha Uriarte Allen Women On Death Row

Sammantha Uriarte Allen is on death row in Arizona along with her husband John Allen. According to court documents Sammantha and John Allen would put a ten year old girl into a plastic tub and closed the lid. The little girl would die from overheating. Apparently the reason for this barbaric punishment is that the little girl…

Angelina Rodriguez Women On Death Row

Angelina Rodriguez Women On Death Row

Angelina Rodriguez is sitting on death row in California for the murder of her husband. According to court documents Angelina Rodriguez married the victim and within months she realized that it was a mistake. Rodriguez would take out a quarter of a million dollar life insurance and plotted on ways to kill him. Angelina tried a number of…

Cherie Lash-Rhoades Women On Death Row

Cherie Lash-Rhoades Women On Death Row

Cherie Lash-Rhoades is on death row in California for a mass shooting that took place in 2014. According to police reports Lash-Rhoades opened fire at an office building in Cedarville Rancheria. It seemed that Cherie Rhoades was upset that she was recently let go and was under investigation for fraud. Rhoades would shoot and kill four people including…

Michelle Lyn Michaud Women On Death Row

Michelle Lyn Michaud Women On Death Row

Michelle Lyn Michaud is on California death row for helping her boyfriend kidnap, rape and murder a young woman. According to court documents Michelle Lyn Michaud and James Daveggio would kidnap the victim as she was walking to work. The two would sexually assault the woman with hot curling irons before ultimately killing her. The murderous pair…

Brooke Marie Rottiers Women On Death Row

Brooke Marie Rottiers Women On Death Row

Brooke Marie Rottiers was convicted of a murder that would end up with her taking up residence on California death row. According to court documents Brooke Marie Rottiers and two others would convince two men to go to their hotel room where they were brutally murdered and robbed. Brooke Rottiers who was working as a hooker convinced…

Maureen McDermott Women On Death Row

Maureen McDermott Women On Death Row

Maureen McDermott has been on California Death Row for nearly three decades for a murder that she mastermind. According to court documents McDermott decided to kill the victim, her roommate, in order to collect the mortgage insurance so she convinced someone to help her who would hire two other people who would actually commit the murder. The victims…

Susan Eubanks Women On Death Row

Susan Eubanks Women On Death Row

Susan Eubanks is another woman on California Death Row that murdered her children and in this case there were four aged between four to fourteen. Eubanks would shoot each child in the head before shooting herself in the stomach. According to court documents Susan Eubanks was in an argument with her boyfriend while she was drinking and taking…

Celeste Carrington Women On Death Row

Celeste Carrington Women On Death Row

Celeste Carrington at one point was a burglar with a violent streak, during three separate robberies she shot three people killing two of them. According to Celeste her boyfriend forced her to go on these robberies however police found this hard to believe. The last person Celeste Carrington shot three times actually survived the attack…

Cathy Lynn Sarinana Women On Death Row

Cathy Lynn Sarinana Women On Death Row

Cathy Lynn Sarinana and her husband Raul Sarinana are evil people who should have never been let around children. According to police documents Cathy Lynn Sarinana and her husband are responsible for two deaths, both young boys. The pair were suppose to be looking after a pair of nephews but one of the nephews would be murdered…

Manling Tsang Williams Women On Death Row

Manling Tsang Williams Women On Death Row

Manling Tsang Williams in one night managed to kill her entire family and for it she will now sit on California death row for decades to come. According to court documents Manling Tsang Williams would fatally stab her husband with a samurai sword before smothering her two small children. Manling Tsang Williams apparently murdered her family to…

Margaret Allen Women On Death Row

Margaret Allen Women On Death Row

Margaret Allen is currently on Florida death row for the murder of her housekeeper. According to court documents Margaret Allen suspected the woman of stealing from her and instead of firing the woman she proceeded to murder her after torturing the woman for hours. Margaret Allen was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death in Florida Margaret Allen 2021 Information DC…

Tiffany Cole Women On Death Row

Tiffany Cole Women On Death Row

Tiffany Cole is currently on Florida death row for the murders of her elderly neighbors. According to court documents Tiffany Cole , Alan Wade and her then boyfriend Michael Jackson planned to kidnap and rob the elderly couple before murdering them. The group predug a grave in Georgia two days before the double murder took place. Tiffany…

Virginia Caudill Women On Death Row

Virginia Caudill Women On Death Row

Virginia Caudill is the only woman on Kentucky Death Row for a brutal robbery and murder of an elderly lady. According to court documents Virginia Caudill and Johnathan Goforth would enter the home of the elderly victim and would viciously beat the woman to death before stealing her belongings. Virginia Caudill would be arrested, convicted and sentenced…

Lisa Jo Chamberlin Women On Death Row

Lisa Jo Chamberlin Women On Death Row

Lisa Jo Chamberlin is sitting on Mississippi death row for the murders of two people. According to court documents Lisa Jo Chamberlin and her boyfriend Roger Gillett were manufacturing meth and believed that the female victim was going to tell the police about their drug dealing ways decided to kill her. When they arrived at her home…

Angela McAnulty

Angela McAnulty Women On Death Row

Angela McAnulty is on death row in Oregon for the murder of her teenage daughter. According to court documents Angela McAnulty and her husband Richard McAnulty singled out on of their daughters who was was abused for years including starvation. When authorities came across the victims body they thought she was much younger due to her size….