Michael Reynolds was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama death row for a triple murder. According to court documents Michael Reynolds went to the victims home in order to obtain some money and would end up stabbing to death Chuck Martin, 38; his wife, Melinda, 31; and their 8-year-old daughter, Savanah. Michael Reynolds would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death
Michael Reynolds 2021 Information
Michael Reynolds More News
Michael Reynolds was sentenced to death Thursday in the 2003 slayings of a North Gadsden family. Etowah County Circuit Judge Allen Millican handed down the sentence. Reynolds showed no apparent remorse and explained he intended to appeal the verdict when Millican asked if he had anything to say. Reynolds said he has asked for new attorneys and is appealing because of ineffective representation during the trial. Jurors in October unanimously agreed to recommend that Reynolds be put to death. The same jurors convicted Reynolds of capital murder in the stabbing deaths of Chuck Martin, 38; his wife, Melinda, 31; and their 8-year-old daughter, Savanah, at the Martins’ home on Tidmore Bend Road on May 25, 2003. Jurors apparently believed the testimony of Marcie West, Reynolds’ former girlfriend, who testified during the trial she and Reynolds went to the Martin home to get money and it was Reynolds who killed the family. West said Reynolds stabbed her when she tried to stop him from stabbing Melinda Martin. Reynolds, however, testified and said he did not kill the family. He admitted to being at the house to try to cover up the crime for West, who, he said, witnessed the crimes. Jurors heard forensic testimony about the 11 stab wounds to Chuck Martin and the struggle in his kitchen, along with details about the 24 stab wounds and the struggle Melinda Martin gave her attackers and the five wounds that killed Savanah Martin, including one stab that pierced her neck. West was charged with hindering prosecution in 2003 after she destroyed evidence. In handing down the sentence, Millican read a lengthy document that outlined the evidence in the case. Millican said the killings were heinous and atrocious and the crimes fit the criteria for the death penalty. He pointed out that Reynolds killed the child as an afterthought to keep her from identifying her killer, Millican said. District Attorney Jimmie Harp and Deputy D.A. Marcus Reid tried the case, and it was the first capital murder trial for both. “We are pleased with the verdict and the sentence,” Harp said after the sentencing. “We felt the proper sentence was handed down, especially considering all the facts of the case. (Reynolds) showed no remorse for his crimes.“ Harp said the work of the Gadsden Police Department and the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences was outstanding, helping lead to the verdict and death sentence. “The death penalty is reserved for the worst cases, and this certainly was the case here. We hope the family members of the Martins now can have some closure.”
Martice Fuller was a fifteen year old who would break into his ex girlfriends home and shoot and kill her and shoot and injure her mother. According to court documents Martice Fuller would break into the Wisconsin home and would shoot and kill fifteen year old Kaylie Juga and shoot and injure her mother Stephanie Juga. Martice Fuller would go on the run but would soon be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
A Kenosha County judge sentenced Martice Fuller to life in prison for killing his ex-girlfriend and shooting her mother in 2019.
Fuller also will not be eligible for parole, the judge said.
Fuller shot and killed 15-year-old Bradford High School cheerleader Kaylie Juga.
At his sentencing Friday, Kaylie’s mother, Stephanie Juga, pleaded with the judge to make sure Fuller never gets out of prison.
“She was always by my side. And she was my biggest cheerleader. And now I’m lost I just feel so lost without her,” she said.
Requesting parole in 25 to 30 years, Fuller asked his attorney to read his statement, still claiming he didn’t do it.
“Despite the hatred that is against me, I still am sorry, but I have to continue to stand innocent because I am,” the attorney read.
But the judge wasn’t swayed.
“I hope that you can right yourself in your life in your daily life. But it won’t be among the community,” Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Mary Wagner said to Fuller.
Fuller had no visible reaction, walking out of court to head to prison for the rest of his life.
Fuller was also convicted of attempted homicide for shooting Juga’s mother and burglary for breaking into the home.
Martice Fuller is currently incarcerated at the Green Bay Correctional Institute
Martice Fuller Release Date
Martice Fuller is serving life without parole
Martice Fuller Other News
Saying the calculated killing of 15-year-old Kaylie Juga showed he was a “dangerous and damaged human being,” a judge Friday sentenced Martice Fuller to spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole.
“These crimes were not the impulsive acts of a child,” Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Mary K. Wagner told Fuller, who was convicted by a jury of shooting and killing his former girlfriend Kaylie at her west-side home and of shooting and injuring her mother, Stephanie Juga, when she came to her daughter’s aid. “I hope that you can right yourself in your life, in your daily life, but it won’t be among the community.”
Despite evidence presented at trial that Fuller carefully planned the shootings — and the testimony at trial of Stephanie Juga who had pleaded with Fuller, who she knew well, before he shot her — Fuller continued to maintain that he is innocent.
In a statement read to the court by one of his attorneys, Fuller said “I have to continue to stand innocent because I am.”
Fuller, now 18, was 15 when he was charged with the May 9, 2019 shootings.
During his March trial, prosecutors used testimony to show that what began as a high school romance when both Fuller and Juga were freshmen at Bradford High School — he a football player, she a cheerleader — morphed into something uglier, with Fuller becoming increasingly controlling and violent.
Fuller, now 18, was convicted by a jury in March, the jury finding him guilty of first-degree intentional homicide for Kaylie Juga’s death and attempted first-degree intentional homicide for shooting her mother.
During the trial, prosecutors showed that Fuller — who had been an honor student and a varsity athlete with no juvenile criminal history — had become increasingly angry and frustrated, with his behavior following the breakup with Juga leading to his expulsion from school and to his leaving his family home to stay with a series of friends. He had been stalking Juga before the shooting, showing up outside her home and repeatedly contacting her at work until worries about her safety led her to quit her job.
On the day of the shooting, Stephanie Juga had picked her daughter up from school. They were home — Kaylie Juga in her bedroom listening to music, Stephanie Juga in her room — when Fuller walked into the house armed with a handgun and shot Kaylie Juga to death in her room, then shooting Stephanie when she came to her daughter’s aid.
Fuller fled on foot, then on a bicycle he had stashed in a nearby park, and was later picked up by a friend. He was arrested the following day at a relative’s home in Racine.
Before Wagner pronounced her sentence, Stephanie Juga spoke to the court, asking that Fuller never be allowed out of prison. She spoke about the pain the crime has caused her family, the emotional toll it has taken on her husband and sons, and the physical pain she lives with as the result of her injuries, which left her wrist so damaged it has limited her career as a photographer and made it difficult to hold her new grandson.
Juga said the family lives daily with the loss of Kaylie, who would have graduated from high school this year.
“Martice Fuller didn’t only take our daughter away, he ruined me,” she told the court. “My best friend is gone. We did everything together. She was always by my side and she was my biggest cheerleader. Now I’m lost, I just feel so lost without her.”
Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley said the shootings were as carefully planned “as a professional hit” with Fuller spending weeks getting ready and manipulating friends and family into unwittingly helping him by providing a gun, rides and places to stay.
Defense attorneys asked that Fuller be given the opportunity for release from prison after 25 to 30 years, noting that he was a child at the time of the shootings and that the U.S. Supreme Court has written that juveniles have more of a capacity for change than adults. In Wisconsin, conviction for first-degree intentional homicide carries a mandatory life sentence, but a portion of that sentence can be spent out of prison on parole
Wagner rejected that, saying Fuller’s calculated planning of the crime and lack of remorse made him a danger to the community, She sentenced Fuller to life without the possibility of parole for the first-degree intentional homicide conviction, followed by another 15 years for the attempted homicide and armed burglary convictions.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb were two teen killers who were raised in households full of love and money however the two would attempt to pull off the perfect murder. In this article we are going to take a closer look at Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb and the murder of Bobby Franks.
Nathan Leopold Early Life
Nathan Leopold was born in Chicago on November 19, 1904 to Florence and Nathan Leopold. His parents believed that their son was a prodigy as he allegedly spoke his first word at just four months old. Nathan Leopold would study a number of languages and claimed to be fluent in five of them. Nathan Leopold was also well versed in Ornithology, the study of birds,
Richard Loeb Early Years
Richard Loeb was born on June 11, 1905 to Anna Henrietta and Albert Loeb who was a lawyer and a former vice president of a bank. Richard Loeb who would become the youngest person to graduate University of Michigan at seventeen years old. Loeb also enjoyed to socialize, play tennis and read detective novels.
Nathan Leopold And Richard Loeb Beginnings
Even though Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb met at a young age as they both grew up in the same wealthy neighborhood they did not real become acquainted until years later when the began to interact at the University of Chicago. Turns out they both had a deep interest in crime and soon they would begin their experimenting in the criminal lifestyle.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would start out small with incidents of vandalism and theft. The two would break into a frat house at the University of Chicago where they would steal a penknife and a typewriter. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would move on to arson but when they did not get noticed for their crime they decided to plan and pull off the perfect murder
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb – Bobby Franks Murder
Bobby Franks
Bobby Franks was a fourteen year old boy who attended the Harvard School For Boys and was from the same neighborhood as Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb as well was a second cousin to Richard and had been over to the Loeb household on a number of occasions.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would pick up Bobby Franks as he was walking home from school. The two teen killers began to pull off their plan. Bobby Franks was sitting in the front passenger seat when he was struck several times by Richard Loeb with a chisel. Nathan Leopold would drive to a prearranged destination near Wolf Lake in Hammond Indiana.
Once it was dark Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would take Bobby Franks body and throw it in a culvert before dousing it with hydrocloric acid which they believed would make his identity that much harder to figure out. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would drive back to Chicago
Nathan Leopold would call Bobby Franks mother and would tell her that her son was kidnapped and to follow a number of instructions if she wanted to see her son alive. The instructions which were typed on the typewriter they had stolen earlier and sent to the Franks residence. However before the instructions could be completed the body of Bobby Franks was found.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would destroy the typewriter and other pieces of evidence that tied them to the crime however a pair of glasses belonging to Nathan was found at the crime scene. Turns out only three people in the Chicago area had that particular pair of glasses with a unique hinge. Soon police were questioning Nathan Leopold about the murder of Bobby Franks. Nathan would tell police that he and Richard Loeb were driving around Chicago and picked up two women however their chauffeur denied this and the two were arrested.
Richard Loeb would confess first and attempted to blame the kidnapping and murder of Bobby Franks on Nathan Leopold. Nathan Leopold would later write a book in which he blamed the murder on Loeb. It has never been clear who struck the fatal wound that would kill Bobby Franks
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb Trial
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would go on trial in Chicago and their lawyer would be famed attorney Clarence Darrow who was reportedly paid $70,000 (equivalent to a million dollars now) to defend the teen killers. Even Clarence Darrow was not able to get Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb off however he did save them from the death penalty. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb would be sentenced to life in prison plus ninety nine years in prison for the kidnapping and murder of Bobby Franks
Clarence Darrow Speech At The Nathan Leopold And Richard Loeb Trial
This terrible crime was inherent in his organism, and it came from some ancestor. Is any blame attached because somebody took Nietzsche’s philosophy seriously and fashioned his life upon it? It is hardly fair to hang a 19-year-old boy for the philosophy that was taught him at the university.
Now your Honor I have spoken about the war, I believed in it. I don’t know whether I was crazy or not. Sometimes I think perhaps I was. I approved of it; I joined in the general cry of madness and despair. I urged men to fight, I was safe because I was too old to go. I was like the rest. What did they do? Right or wrong, justifiable or unjustifiable – which I need not discuss today; it changed the world. For four long years the civilized world was engaged in killing men. Christian against Christian, barbarian uniting with Christians to kill Christians; anything to kill. It was taught in every school, aye in the Sunday schools. The little children played at war. The toddling children on the street. Do you suppose this world has ever been the same since? How long your Honor, will it take for the world to get back the humane emotions that were slowly growing before the war? How long will it take the callused hearts of men before the scars of hatred and cruelty shall be removed?
We read of killing one hundred thousand men in a day. We read about it and we rejoiced in it—if it was the other fellows who were killed. We were fed on flesh and drank blood. Even down to the prattling babe. I need not tell you how many upright, honorable young boys have come into this court charged with murder, some saved and some sent to their death, boys who fought in this war and learned to place a cheap value on human life. You know it and I know it. These boys were brought up in it. The tales of death were in their homes, their playgrounds, their schools; they were in the newspapers that they read; it was a part of the common frenzy – what was a life? It was nothing. It was the least sacred thing in existence and these boys were trained to this cruelty.
It will take fifty years to wipe it out of the human heart, if ever. I know this, that after the Civil War in 1865, crimes of this sort increased, marvelously. No one needs to tell me that crime has no cause. It has as definite a cause as any other disease, and I know that out of the hatred and bitterness of the Civil War crime increased as America had never seen before. I know that Europe is going through the same experience today; I know it has followed every war; and I know it has influenced these boys so that life was not the same to them as it would have been if the world had not made red with blood. I protest against the crimes and mistakes of society being visited upon them. All of us have a share in it. I have mine. I cannot tell and I shall never know how many words of mine might have given birth to cruelty in place of love and kindness and charity.
Your Honor knows that in this very court crimes of violence have increased growing out of the war. Not necessarily by those who fought but by those that learned that blood was cheap, and human life was cheap, and if the State could take it lightly why not the boy? There are causes for this terrible crime. There are causes as I have said for everything that happens in the world. War is a part of it; education is a part of it; birth is a part of it; money is a part of it—all these conspired to compass the destruction of these two poor boys.
Has the court any right to consider anything but these two boys? The State says that your Honor has a right to consider the welfare of the community, as you have. If the welfare of the community would be benefited by taking these lives, well and good. I think it would work evil that no one could measure. Has your Honor a right to consider the families of these defendants? I have been sorry, and I am sorry for the bereavement of Mr. and Mrs. Franks, for those broken ties that cannot be healed. All I can hope and wish is that some good may come from it all. But as compared with the families of Leopold and Loeb, the Franks are to be envied—and everyone knows it.
I do not know how much salvage there is in these two boys. I hate to say it in their presence, but what is there to look forward to? I do not know but what your Honor would be merciful to them, but not merciful to civilization, and not merciful if you tied a rope around their necks and let them die; merciful to them, but not merciful to civilization, and not merciful to those who would be left behind. To spend the balance of their days in prison is mighty little to look forward to, if anything. Is it anything? They may have the hope that as the years roll around they might be released. I do not know. I do not know. I will be honest with this court as I have tried to be from the beginning. I know that these boys are not fit to be at large. I believe they will not be until they pass through the next stage of life, at forty-five or fifty. Whether they will then, I cannot tell. I am sure of this, that I will not be here to help them. So far as I am concerned, it is over.
I would not tell this court that I do not hope that some time, when life and age have changed their bodies, as they do, and have changed their emotions, as they do—that they may once more return to life. I would be the last person on earth to close the door of hope to any human being that lives, and least of all to my clients. But what have they to look forward to? Nothing. And I think here of the stanza of Housman:
Now hollow fires burn out to black, / And lights are fluttering low: Square your shoulders, lift your pack / And leave your friends and go. O never fear, lads, naught’s to dread, / Look not left nor right: In all the endless road you tread / There’s nothing but the night.
I care not your Honor, whether the march begins at the gallows or when the gates of Joliet close upon them, there is nothing but the night, and that is little for any human being to expect.
But there are others to consider. Here are these two families who have led honest lives, who will bear the name that they bear, and future generations must carry it on.
Here is Leopold’s father – and this boy was the pride of his life. He watched him and he cared for him, he worked for him; the boy was brilliant and accomplished. He educated him, and he thought that fame and position awaited him, as it should have awaited. It is a hard thing for a father to see his life’s hopes crumble into dust.
Should he be considered? Should his brothers be considered? Will it do society any good or make your life safer, or any human being’s life safer, if it should be handed down from generation to generation that this boy, their kin died upon the scaffold?
And Loeb’s the same. Here are the faithful uncle and brother, who have watched here day by day, while Dickie’s father and his mother are too ill to stand this terrific strain, and shall be waiting for a message which means more to them than it can mean to you or me. Shall these be taken into account in this general bereavement?
Have they any rights? Is there any reason, your Honor, why their proud names and all the future generations that bear them shall have this bar sinister written across them? How many boys and girls, how many unborn children will feel it? It is bad enough as it is, God knows. It is bad enough, however it is. But it’s not yet death on the scaffold. It’s not that. And I ask your Honor, in addition to all that I have said to save two honorable families from a disgrace that never ends, and which could be of no avail to help any human being that lives.
Now, I must say a word more and then I will leave this with you where I should have left it long ago. None of us are unmindful of the public; courts are not, and juries are not. We placed our fate in the hands of a trained court, thinking that he would be more mindful and considerate than a jury. I cannot say how people feel. I have stood here for three months as one might stand at the ocean trying to sweep back the tide. I hope the seas are subsiding and the wind is falling, and I believe they are, but I wish to make no false pretense to this court. The easy thing and the popular thing to do is to hang my clients. I know it. Men and women who do not think will applaud. The cruel and thoughtless will approve. It will be easy today; but in Chicago, and reaching out over the length and breadth of the land, more and more fathers and mothers, the humane, the kind and the hopeful, who are gaining an understanding and asking questions not only about these poor boys, but about their own – these will join in no acclaim at the death of my clients.
These would ask that the shedding of blood be stopped, and that the normal feelings of man resume their sway. And as the days and the months and the years go on, they will ask it more and more. But, your Honor, what they shall ask may not count. I know the easy way. I know the future is with me, and what I stand for here; not merely for the lives of these two unfortunate lads, but for all boys and all girls; for all of the young, and as far as possible, for all of the old. I am pleading for life, understanding, charity, kindness, and the infinite mercy that considers all. I am pleading that we overcome cruelty with kindness and hatred with love. I know the future is on my side. Your Honor stands between the past and the future. You may hang these boys; you may hang them by the neck until they are dead. But in doing it you will turn your face toward the past. In doing it you are making it harder for every other boy who in ignorance and darkness must grope his way through the mazes which only childhood knows. In doing it you will make it harder for unborn children. You may save them and make it easier for every child that sometime may stand where these boys stand. You will make it easier for every human being with an aspiration and a vision and a hope and a fate. I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.
I feel that I should apologize for the length of time I have taken. This case may not be as important as I think it is, and I am sure I do not need to tell this court, or to tell my friends that I would fight just as hard for the poor as for the rich. If I should succeed, my greatest reward and my greatest hope will be that for the countless unfortunates who must tread the same road in blind childhood that these poor boys have trod—that I have done something to help human understanding, to temper justice with mercy, to overcome hate with love.
I was reading last night of the aspiration of the old Persian poet, Omar Khayyam. It appealed to me as the highest that I can vision. I wish it was in my heart, and I wish it was in the hearts of all:
So I be written in the Book of Love, I do not care about that Book above. Erase my name or write it as you will, So I be written in the Book of Love.
Richard Loeb Death
Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold would be reconnected at Statesville Prison in Illinois and the two would improve the school curriculum by adding both a high school and junior college aspect to the program. In 1936 Richard Loeb would be murdered in prison with a straight razor by James Day who would claim that Loeb had propositioned him. Later James Day was deemed to have acted in self defense in the murder of Richard Loeb and was acquitted.
Nathan Leopold Death
Nathan Leopold would serve over thirty years in prison before he was released in 1958. Leopold who had written a book entitled Life Plus Ninety Nine Years would eventually move to Puerto Rico where he would marry and would eventually die in 1971 from a heart attack.
Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb FAQ
Nathan Leopold Death
Nathan Leopold died of a heart attack in 1971
Richard Loeb Death
Richard Loeb was murdered in prison in 1936 by James Day
Dakota Wall would tell police she just wanted to scare her half sister Sidnee Stephens so she arranged for four of her friends Robbie Mueller, James Glazier, Chad Bennett, and Carl Dane who would force their way into the home and kidnap the fifteen year old girl. Sidnee Stephens would be forced into the trunk of a car and driven to a remote location where her she would be choked and stabbed repeatedly.
Police in Illinois would soon arrest the teen killers as well as Dakota Wall. All four of the teenage killers would be found guilty and sentenced to length terms in prison however Carl Dane on the day he was suppose to leave for prison would take his own life. Dakota Wall would escape murder charges however she was sentenced to twenty six years in prison for her involvement in the initial home invasion
Dakota Wall 2023 Information
Admission Date:
Projected Parole Date:
Last Paroled Date:
Projected Discharge Date:
Parent Institution:
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Dakota Wall More News
Twisted Sisters is investigating the death of high school teenager Sidnee Stephens who was kidnapped from her home in Pinckneyville, Illinois, before being shot dead by a creek.
Her killers were four local thugs called Robbie Mueller, James Glazier, Chad Bennett, and Carl Dane, who had invaded her home and stuffed the teenager in a car trunk.
But one of the most disturbing aspects of this case is that the killers were aided by Sidnee’s half-sister Dakota Wall.
The four men were Wall’s friends, and she purposefully left the door open to their home, so her four friends could kidnap her younger sister.
On July 19, 2010, 15-year-old Sidnee Stephens was reported missing from her home. Six days later, fishermen spotted her remains floating in the Beaumont Creek. An inspection of the corpse revealed she had been choked and shot with a handgun.
The police subsequently learned that Robbie Mueller, James Glazier, Chad Bennett, and Carl Dane entered the house and attacked Sidnee, and they choked the teenager until she lost consciousness on two occasions.
They then took her to a remote area by the Beaumont Creek, where Dane shot her at least two times. Mueller and Glazier then pushed her remains into the water.
Dakota Wall kept her silence about her horrific role in her sister’s murder for 27 months before the police fully ascertained all the details.
Wall tried to defend herself by saying she had just left the door open for her friends to scare her sister and had never expected them to kill Sidnee. However, the police didn’t buy her story, and she was charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping, home invasion, and burglary.
The twisted sister eventually pleaded guilty to home invasion, and the other charges were dropped. In 2018, she was sentenced to 26 years in prison, but she should eligible to attend a parole hearing in 2023.
Dane was sentenced to 60 years in prison for murder, but he committed suicide inside his cell while waiting to be transferred to federal prison. Glazier was also sentenced to 60 years and remains in prison.
Meanwhile, Mueller was given 37 years for his role in the murder.
Hi! I’m Dakota, but everyone calls me Kota. I’m 27, I’ll be 28 in September. I work as a dog trainer for the Helping Paws Program. My favorite dog is a border collie. I love video games and anime. I love horror movies. My favorite bands are Nirvana and Avenged Sevenfold.
I think that’s all for now. If you want to know more, write me.
Dakota Wall is currently incarcerated at the Logan Correctional Center
Dakota Wall Release Date
Dakota Wall is eligible for release in 2026
Dakota Wall Interrogation Video
Chad Bennett 2023
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Robbie Mueller 2023
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Projected Discharge Date:
James Glazier Photos
James Glazier is currently going through the resentencing process and is not in the Illinois Department Of Corrections database. The photo above was taken at the time of conviction. He was sentenced to 60 years
Carl Dane Suicide
Illinois State Police are investigating the death of a 19-year-old prisoner who pleaded guilty to murdering a Pinckneyville teen.
Carl Dane, 19, of Pinckneyville was pronounced dead at 5 a.m. in his cell at the Perry County Jail in Pinckneyville Friday.
Carl Dane’s Attorney Brian Trentman says, he was told they believe Dane killed himself.
An autopsy was conducted Friday afternoon. The Perry County Coroner says he is awaiting those results.
A corrections officer found Dane’s body in his cell at the Perry County Jail early Friday Morning. Investigators say they don’t suspect foul play.
Today Dane was set to be taken to Menard Correctional Center to begin serving a 60-year-sentence for the murder of 15-year Sidnee Stephens.
Dane pleaded guilty in June 2011 to a charge of 1st degree murder in the 2010 death of Stephens. The Perry County State’s Attorney says as part to plea deal, Trentman asked Dane stay in the county jail until August 5th.
Perry County Sheriff Keith Kellerman tells Heartland News he’s never had this type of incident in the jail during his more than ten years in office.
Meanwhile Trentman says it’s an extremely sad day. He adds in the year of representing Dane, there was no indication he would cause harm to himself.
The incident is current under investigation by Perry County Coroner’s Office and the Illinois State Police.
Zy’Quan Kelley was seventeen years old when he murdered a two year old girl. According to court documents the teen killer and his brother were babysitting the two year old girl and her brother when Zy’Quan Kelley struck the child several times causing her death. Zy’Quan Kelley would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to thirty years in prison
The 21-year-old brother of a teen convicted of second-degree murder for the 2018 death of a toddler left in his care pleaded guilty to enabling the fatal abuse and was sentenced to serve just under two years in prison.
After pleading guilty to enabling child abuse by injury, Marquavis Katez Kelley, 21, of Lawton, was sentenced by Chief District Judge Emmit Tayloe to 10 years with the Department of Corrections with 667 days to serve and eight years and 63 days suspended, as well as two years of DOC supervision and court costs along with a $1,000 fine, records indicate.
Kelley’s plea follows the Aug. 29 judgment and sentence of his brother, Zy’Quan K. Kelley, 19, of Lawton, after pleading guilty to second-degree murder. He was sentenced to serve 30 years in Department of Corrections custody with a $1,000 fine and court costs, records indicate. He will be allowed to apply for sentencing modification and received credit for time served.
Zy’Quan Kelley was charged in December 2018 with first-degree murder as a youthful offender.
Marquavis Kelley also was present at the apartment at the time of the child’s death and was arrested for enabling child abuse. He offered testimony in the case.
The Kelley brothers had been watching the 2-year-old over night. Marquavis Kelley told investigators that he had heard the toddler crying in a bedroom and the voice of Zy’Quan cursing and yelling at the girl to stop crying. Marquavis Kelley said he then heard what sounded like four loud smacks and then noticed the child was not crying anymore, nor was she making any noise. He entered the room and found the toddler to be unresponsive.
The Kelley brothers went into the room to check on the 2-year-old “twice over the next several hours,” court records show. The child remained motionless the whole time.
The next morning the Kelley’s mother came home from work, along with the girl’s mother, Catherine Francis, who was also arrested and charged with enabling child abuse. The boys’ mother went to sleep at 9:45 a.m., at which point the child was still unresponsive and cold.
Authorities were finally called at 10:03 a.m., more than six hours after the initial incident. During that time frame, no medical attention was sought, according to court documents.
According to the Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s report, the cause of death was “blunt force trauma to the head.” The child also suffered numerous injuries across her body.
Francis, who also remains in jail on $100,000 bond, waived her right to a jury trial on Jan. 9. She announced her intention to change a not guilty plea to guilty, records indicate. Due to COVID-19’s closure of the courthouse, her judgment and sentencing were postponed until 1:45 p.m. Oct. 22.
Zy’Quan Kelley is currently incarcerated at the North Fork Correctional Center
Zy’Quan Kelley Release Date
Zy’Quan Kelley is eligible for release in 2038
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